Happy July 4th!!

Jul 04, 2007 12:34

Happy July 4th.
So, what am I doing today? Nothing...it's really pointless when you get one day off in the middle of the week, and then you're back to work the next day.
Work sucks. I'm in the little emo corner most of the time, and then, I cut myself with papers. I end up getting 2020498039 paper cuts a day. -___-''
ayayayay. hmmmm...I think I'm going to save my money and buy myself a yukata. I really want one..so I can wear it to school on Halloween. LOL. But first, I need the money for AAA 4th ATTACK & AcQuA-EP concert dvd...those stupid whores. I wonder who is sluttier..Acqua or KAT-TUN. I bet it's KAT-TUN. I mean, seriously, Jin is like a freaking porn star and Kame too.
ohh yeah,, Today is Jin's birthday!!! and ummm..MASSU!!!! HAPPPPY BIRTHDAY JIN & MASSU.<33333333
okay. anyways, I made an icon tutorial thing today freaking that one slut...errm...yeahh...

icon made in PS7

1. crop image (100 x 100)

2. Sharpen image (filter=>sharpen=>sharpen)

3. Zoom in, use the blur tool & smooth out the fuzziness...like blur the skin and stuff. lol

4. Duplicate the layer, set to soft light (100%)

5. create new layer, cover it with 020B4E, set to Exclusion (100%) 


6. new layer, cover with 4D2D2C, set to soft light (60%)


7. new layer, cover with CDF3F4, set to color burn (100%)


8. new layer, cover with FDB867, set to soft light ( 100%)


9. Duplicate the base layer, bring it to the top and set to soft light (100%)


Depending on the image, the setting may need to be adjusted, try and experiment with the colors and play around a little bit.

maki goto, icon tutorial

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