Tampereen paras levykauppa, Platta, laittoi yllättäen lapun luukulle :( Olin kaupan vakioasiakas, jos nyt niin voi sanoa - opiskelijabudjetilla ei ostella täysihintaisia levyjä ihan alvariinsa. Plattasta kuitenkin ostin vuosien varrella monta hyvää ja tärkeää levyä. Valikoima oli mainio, myyjät mukavia ja soittivatpa vielä yleensä hyvää musiikkia.
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Comments 2
googlehakujen hiilijalanjäljestä:
"A report about online energy consumption (Google and you'll damage the planet, Jan 11) said that "performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle" or about 7g of CO2 per search. We are happy to make clear that this does not refer to a one-hit Google search taking less than a second, which Google says produces about 0.2g of CO2, a figure we accept. In the article, we were referring to a Google search that may involve several attempts to find the object being sought and that may last for several minutes. Various experts put forward carbon emission estimates for such a search of 1g-10g depending on the time involved and the equipment used"Reply
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