so I had drunk a little too much eggnog and got this really cool idea, guys...

Nov 28, 2006 22:21

EDIT: Keep 'em coming peoples! We still got a lot of spots open!

So yeah. It's been dead around here. Let's change that, shall we?

With the holidays coming up, everything's getting all festive and carol-y and tinselified and whatnot and darn it....I'm in the mood for mayhem.

Would you like to help me? Sure ya would. Mayhem's fun. Especially mayhem you can draw, eh-eh?

I've been lately enamored with the idea of colloborative comics as in this quite amusing example on the Flaky Pastry website. That was done panel by panel and I think I'd like to make it a little less complex by sticking with page-to-page but you get the idea. One artist draws a page, another artist draws another page continuing the story started in the first page...and so forth.

So here's the deal. I'd like to do a theme based on the Twelve Days of Christmas but let's just give all those french hens and prancing lords a big kick in the bum and come up with something more...unorthodox ideas, shall we?

So there you are. Take it and run with it. No holds barred, aussie rugby rules. Throw in your own characters, too if you like, it's one big party so let's see where it goes. Keep it interesting/zany/bizarre/non-sequitur and spread the word. If we can't get enough people, we can continue rotating it between myself and whoever else would like to do so. Put your name in the comments below and I'll link it up here and when you finish the page let me know and I'll place a link to your picture by your name. We'll go on a first-come first-serve basis.

2nd Day: hailerro
3rd Day: sisma Three French Men!
4th Day: pooryorick
5th Day: rosynose
6th Day: kmh542002 and Danny ^^
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:

It doesn't have to be finished work (as you can see in mine it's pretty scratchy and loose). You don't even have to keep it Christmas, you can make your day Chthulu's Birthday if you like.

Pass the eggnog and let the holiday weirdness begin XP
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