Jek Porkins has died. The original cult chump is gone. He passed on Sunday. Ironic that the final DVD of the Star Wars saga is released on Tuesday? He was THE integral character in the whole saga. Screw Anakin. Screw Luke. Porkins was the man!!!
I got my notice today. 60 days from now will be my last day at EB Games. I knew it was coming, but I wasn't expecting it so soon. I'm gonna miss this place. Not so much the drive, but there's a great group of people here that I'm gonna miss hanging out with. Such is life
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Secondly, Congrats to scottchurch and kittenbooSo on Friday the merger closed. For those of you that don't know Gamestop bough EB Games. I work for EB Games, and not for much longer. I've heard anytime between now and May I will be receiving my pink slip. There was a small office party on Friday to celebrate the passing of EB
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