I'm mainly posting this for personal reference, but those of my friends that are interested in the Akashic Records in such will be interested in reading this...
"Reader - Linda Cooper"
I have a dilemma that I was hoping that you could help me out with.
I had decided that I would move with Robert to wherever it is they send him since we had discussed that I would be able to stay home with Bo and raise him like I feel that he should be raised.
We had been fighting a lot before he finally got in the army.
When I got home last night, I told him that I had figured out that when he gets insurance and I am able to drop him off of mine, that it will save us $400 a month and that money would go to my debt so that I could afford to stay home.
He stated that he wasn’t sure (after discussing this earlier) and that he didn’t understand why I would want to stay home and be LAZY!
I prayed really hard last night. I didn’t pick the fight that I would usually. And I usually feel better in the morning. This morning I don’t. If you get a chance, can you access my records and see if you get anything? If not, no big deal. They will probably state that it’s my decision anyhow. But it’s worth a shot. I really feel lost on this one. I don’t know if I’m willing to sacrifice leaving my family to have the same life I have here without their support.
Okay, Hon, I have opened your records, they said “you know what is for the greatest good of ALL concerned. You and Robert are only a small portion of this picture, what is for the greatest good of all of those around you”? My immediate response was “are you willing to leave all your family and support group for a lonely life of just you and Bo with a self-centered person that just wants to go play cowboys? Or, is there more to the story? Not sure if that was my thoughts or from the records. I’ve never met Robert and only know what you have told me, so I don’t think I am making a judgment. You know God’s Angels and Guides are there to protect you and watch over you no matter what your decision. I will close your records for now, but you can e-mail me back and I can open them again.
That does help me.. Thanks.
My major hang up is wondering if I’m over-reacting to things. Is Robert being totally self-centered or is he doing this for us like he says? I really wonder sometimes. I wish you knew if it was your thoughts on his self-centeredness.
I still don’t know what I’m going to do. I think I will wait and make the choice closer to time. That way I have a cool head and have had some time away from him.
He leaves in March for boot camp, so he should be out by June. Then, we think his school is for 7 months.
It was a hard/easy choice when I thought that I could stay home with Bo. I would definitely choose moving so that I could stay home and raise him. But now that he’s turned wishy washy on me… I can’t honestly say that I love him enough to leave my family (major support group). Sad isn’t it?
The thing is that he’s not around much as it is and the only help I get with Bo is with my family. If he moves me away and I need help, I won’t have anyone.
I know that in the big picture, Robert is a good person. He just has a different road that he wants to travel. And I know that I love him, I just don’t know how much. He can be very self-centered at times. Just like when he didn’t ask me before telling Richard (our roommate) that he could rent our house when he gets stationed somewhere. I would much rather rent it to Brent and Meredith because I know that they’ll take care of it. If Richard rents it, Adam will probably move in, and neither of them will take care of the yard and the place will fall apart. Adam is a worse slob than Robert and Richard is bad too. It would be a nightmare! SO, I pretty much feel that he overstepped his boundaries on that one.
If I were to make the decision today, (with a hot head) I’d pack all of mine and Bo’s things and move in the spare bedroom at mom’s house. Then, I’d give Richard 30 days notice to find a place. When he would be gone, I’d put the house on the market and sell it. With my portion, I’d buy some land somewhere so that Bo could have a yard growing up.
Okay the statement of the self centeredness did come from the records, they said you already knew that, why are you in denial? What has he brought to the relationship, is it a 50/50 partnership? Is it worth you giving 90% to his 10%?
Well, let’s look at it this way, what is the benefits for you and Bo with Robert in the service? Insurance, anything else? Maybe a steady income, but would it be enough for you to live comfortable on or would you have to find work in a strange town, leave Bo with a stranger? What else would Robert be bringing to the relationship, no time for you and Bo, he will be out on maneuvers and stuff. In 5 or 6 years, after school, advancement, etc, he might be making enough for you to live without working.
What if you stay where you are? You have your home and your support group, you have a good job, you could find a part time job and hove more time with Bo and still make your bills, you are close to Mom if and when you need her, there is not the expense of moving, your room mate can move out at any time, that is your home and since Robert won’t be there you are the boss, that settles the concern of Adam moving in.
Do your list of pros and cons, that always helps. Do you have enough love for Robert to put yours and Bo’s life on the line for him to join the Army, for what purpose is he doing this? Lots of questions.
But, understand, I moved out to Odessa away from my family and friends for love. I am very happy out here, my kids have moved out here, most of my grand kinds are out here, I feel I have made a good life. So, if you Love Robert enough and he loves you enough, it could be a really good thing. What is your thoughts?
That's it for now. Probably more to come... plus I asked Deborah to do a reading as well. I'll be posting more later on the subject.