001 // Taking back the castle

May 29, 2008 13:58

Headin' out to lunch, should be fun. ♥

Hey you, crazy city, chill out for just a little while so I can enjoy myself!

Let it be said you boys n' gals have had yer chance to smother the flames, right? But the proverbial shit's gone and hit the fan, n' now the fire's spreadin'. Ain't no one to blame but the bastards committing the crimes, but somethin' more needs to be done at this point and that's why the higher ups have gone n' called in the big guns.

In other words... yer gonna be workin' along side of the San Francisco S.W.A.T. and E.R.T. divisions now.

As lieutenant in command, I'd like to formally introduce myself. The name's Anko Mitarashi. I'll be seein' many of you guys up close n' personal, but for now this briefing's gonna have to do.

As of this moment we haven't employed a suitable Negotiator, but we are looking 'round the clock so that we can get the pacification of this city under way. In the mean time it's been decided that evenin' policing of the streets will be mandatory. Between the police and S.W.A.T. and the E.R.T. teams we should have enough people to cover fair ground.

This is, however, just the first tactic. Combin' sidewalks and back alleys ain't gonna fix everythin'... but bear in mind it's a new start, and an angle the enemy wasn't given a chance to warm up to, yet.

Your utmost cooperation's appreciated at this time, thank you.

not a date, ert, arriving, out to lunch, introductions, fun time, hey crazy city, swat, tactics, aizen, night patrol, 24-hour on call, sfpd, negotiator, inter-division cooperation

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