ok so I'm usually not one to make waves about things or comment about politics, but i'm encouraging anyone and everyone to veiw this. it is about an hour and a half of your time that parallels the propaganda of the Nazi's to the propaganda of the Islamic extremists. Most of this is footage we do not see in the media. Kinda interesting
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Aug 29, 2006 08:10
Does anybody know of a job opening for a graphic designer or web designer? If so please let me know. I need a job.
Aug 16, 2006 09:16
So I leave you all a little song by Gnarls Barkley. A song to keep in your head for when life gets you down
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Jun 27, 2006 08:34
Dream alert. Yep it's a strange one, go figure. I don't think a random "normal" dream would be worth posting. Anywho to the dream
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Jun 19, 2006 09:09
Ok so here are the answers from last weeks game. Thanks for playing those who played.
Answers )
Jun 08, 2006 09:27
Ok, put the media player on random and enter lyrics from the first 20 songs. Then, you guys answer the ones you know (dont google them
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May 31, 2006 10:56
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 facts about yourself
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May 12, 2006 12:03
Since Mother's day is this weekend I must let every one know you should be kind to your mother for all she has done for you. I will let the Decemberists take you away with a little song about dear ol' mother and why we should be kind.
A cautionary song )
May 08, 2006 09:25
So I wake up this morning and find some lumps on my stomach and become rather disturbed. What are they doing there? How will this affect me? What is happening to me? Then I realize that those are just my abs. Working out is actually a success for me! ^_^
Now I need to increase my bust.