How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: I've been into HP for about eight years- a little less. I read the first three books in a row because I'd heard they were very good. The rest is of course, history.
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: I really adore almost all of the cast. HP has one of my favorite, if not my favorite, ensemble casts. My favorite character is Ron then Neville and Luna. After that, in no particular order some of my favorites are Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Remus, Fred & George, Lupin, and actually pretty much every single member of the Weasley family and a good majority of the adult cast/Order members.
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: RonxHermione, NevillexLuna, HarryxGinny, RemusxTonks, RemusxSirius, JamesxLily, BillxFleur.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: RxHr and NxL as they're my two favorites. The other ones from time to time. As far as characters, Ron (and the Weasleys as a whole) and Neville I think the
( ... )
I'm a big musical nerd. Of course, I listen to Wizard Rock. Outside that, classical, celtic, classical crossover, and alternative rock. My car radio dial is always on the local alternative station and it's what I listen to most frequently.
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: Nearly seven years. I bought the first book at a school book fair, just to see what all the hype was.
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: Dumbledore, Voldemort, Harry, Neville, the Malfoys, Fenrir Greyback solely for the lulz...
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: While I'm not much into pairings, I suppose Ron/Hermione, maybe? No, wait, NEVILLE/LUNA. OMFG. Should have been canon.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: Voldemort. XDD
What's your favorite of the seven books?: PoA!
What's your favorite of the movie adaptations?: CoS. It's closest book-to-movie adaption, to me.
What's your least favorite book and movie?: For book, that would be GoF; I just really don't care for it much. For movie, that would PoA.
Do you do any fanworks (art, fic, icons, etc.)? If so, what?: I do the occasional drabble. :D
What non-HP fandoms are you into?: Venture Brothers, Inuyasha, Trigun,
( ... )
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: For three or four years. I didn't think twice of the books at first, not even considering giving them a chance. Didn't like reading that much back then anyway. Then I got sick one day and borrowed it from a friend. Simple as that. Even though I've seen the first film before I read the book, I have become enchanted, and it hasn't left me ever since. Here I am completely obsessed still! :)
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: I love many of them. From the marauders and Lily to the Weasleys and Hermione. Luna is incredible, and so is McGonagall. And though I hated Snape the entire series, oh how I admire him now. But I guess I love the trio the most.
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: Hermione/Ron, Sirius/meLily, james/Lily, Harry/Ginny etc
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I don't like when I leave comment after comment on entries to my LJ friend, and that person never bothers to reply to a single message. That's really a let-down. I hate hypocricy, homophobia, sexism, people blinded by themselves and fakeness.
Uh...word, wordy, McWord! LOL. Yeah, I totally agree with you there!
Also on the PoA thing. Curon wasn't was a pretty just sucked when compared to the book. :( Also, I tend to go into TL;DR about my dislike of H/Hr so...yeah, I feel you there, lol.
But you're totally right...Trio, Trio, Trio! What really drew me in to the series, and kept me there, was the strong friendship between the three of them. I wanted R/Hr to happen, but in the end I didn't care, just so long as the three of them remained friends until the end! And DH delivered so much Trio love to me, I still don't know what to do with it all, lol! So yeah, mind if I friend?
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: I've been into Harry Potter for eight years. I got into it because my fourth grade teacher read it to the class. He used to pronounce Hermione's name "Her-me-own", haha.
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: Tied for first favorite are Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom and Ronald Weasley. After that are the Weasley twins, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Lily Evans, Sirius Black and sometimes James Potter.
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: Ron/Hermione, Draco/Hermione (for fanfiction), Neville/Luna, Remus/Lily, Severus/Lily.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: For characters, Remus, Neville and Ronald. For ships, definitely Ron and Hermione (good shipper for five years!).
What's your favorite of the seven books?: It's hard to choose between Order of the Phoenix, Deathly Hallows and Goblet of Fire.
I adore almost anything British (except for the food) Haha, me too. I just can't stand backed beans and stuff like that. But otherwise I love the british lifestyle. I'd really love to go there and experience it.
btw: I also loved school of rock xD Can't get enough of Jack Black as well.
There's just something about England that captures my heart. I can't wait to visit one day and experience it first-hand. :)
School of Rock pretty much owned my soul when I was a freshman. It was an unhealthy obsession that got to the point where I could put my head down in class and play it in my mind! x) Hahaha, well I'm not so obsessed with it now, but I do quote it from time to time. ;)
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: Snce August 22, 2005. A June/July issue of Elle magazine that had Rupert Grint as their 4th out of 50 hottest guys. He beat Orli *giggles*
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: Ron, Ginny, Arthur, Ronald, Hermione, Roonil Wazlib
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: I would write it all out -- *cracks knuckles* -- but it would take too long. Anything featuring Ron.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: Ron, Ron/anyone
What's your favorite of the seven books?: I dunno. The one where Ron has either a kiss or some brilliant relevation. All of them.
What's your favorite of the movie adaptations?: So far, it'd have to be OotP. It was previously PoA, but -- well -- OotP had tons more R/Hr moments. It made my toes curl.
What's your least favorite book and movie?: Least favorite book, Philosopher's Stone. Least favorite film, Goblet of Fire.
Do you do any fanworks (art, fic, icons, etc.)? If so, what?: I
( ... )
Oh good, someone who understands my love for ron/rupert. My brother and I spent 30 minutes in FYE a few weeks ago looking for the Driving Lessons dvd just because i love rupert so much(they had it under classic comedy...its a classic to me, but the placement of it still confuses me)! And its really cool that you're into the wwe, so am i and not many people understand why. Do you mind if I friend you?
Comments 472
Age: 23
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: I've been into HP for about eight years- a little less. I read the first three books in a row because I'd heard they were very good. The rest is of course, history.
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: I really adore almost all of the cast. HP has one of my favorite, if not my favorite, ensemble casts. My favorite character is Ron then Neville and Luna. After that, in no particular order some of my favorites are Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Remus, Fred & George, Lupin, and actually pretty much every single member of the Weasley family and a good majority of the adult cast/Order members.
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: RonxHermione, NevillexLuna, HarryxGinny, RemusxTonks, RemusxSirius, JamesxLily, BillxFleur.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: RxHr and NxL as they're my two favorites. The other ones from time to time. As far as characters, Ron (and the Weasleys as a whole) and Neville I think the ( ... )
I'm a big musical nerd. Of course, I listen to Wizard Rock. Outside that, classical, celtic, classical crossover, and alternative rock. My car radio dial is always on the local alternative station and it's what I listen to most frequently.
Age: 19
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: Nearly seven years. I bought the first book at a school book fair, just to see what all the hype was.
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: Dumbledore, Voldemort, Harry, Neville, the Malfoys, Fenrir Greyback solely for the lulz...
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: While I'm not much into pairings, I suppose Ron/Hermione, maybe? No, wait, NEVILLE/LUNA. OMFG. Should have been canon.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: Voldemort. XDD
What's your favorite of the seven books?: PoA!
What's your favorite of the movie adaptations?: CoS. It's closest book-to-movie adaption, to me.
What's your least favorite book and movie?: For book, that would be GoF; I just really don't care for it much. For movie, that would PoA.
Do you do any fanworks (art, fic, icons, etc.)? If so, what?: I do the occasional drabble. :D
What non-HP fandoms are you into?: Venture Brothers, Inuyasha, Trigun, ( ... )
(And I just looked at your meme entry and you seem totes awesome! :D)
Friends~? ^_^
Age: 16
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: For three or four years. I didn't think twice of the books at first, not even considering giving them a chance. Didn't like reading that much back then anyway. Then I got sick one day and borrowed it from a friend. Simple as that. Even though I've seen the first film before I read the book, I have become enchanted, and it hasn't left me ever since. Here I am completely obsessed still! :)
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: I love many of them. From the marauders and Lily to the Weasleys and Hermione. Luna is incredible, and so is McGonagall. And though I hated Snape the entire series, oh how I admire him now. But I guess I love the trio the most.
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: Hermione/Ron, Sirius/meLily, james/Lily, Harry/Ginny etc ( ... )
Uh...word, wordy, McWord! LOL. Yeah, I totally agree with you there!
Also on the PoA thing. Curon wasn't was a pretty just sucked when compared to the book. :( Also, I tend to go into TL;DR about my dislike of H/Hr so...yeah, I feel you there, lol.
But you're totally right...Trio, Trio, Trio! What really drew me in to the series, and kept me there, was the strong friendship between the three of them. I wanted R/Hr to happen, but in the end I didn't care, just so long as the three of them remained friends until the end! And DH delivered so much Trio love to me, I still don't know what to do with it all, lol! So yeah, mind if I friend?
Age: Seventeen, turning eighteen in September.
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: I've been into Harry Potter for eight years. I got into it because my fourth grade teacher read it to the class. He used to pronounce Hermione's name "Her-me-own", haha.
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: Tied for first favorite are Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom and Ronald Weasley. After that are the Weasley twins, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Lily Evans, Sirius Black and sometimes James Potter.
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: Ron/Hermione, Draco/Hermione (for fanfiction), Neville/Luna, Remus/Lily, Severus/Lily.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: For characters, Remus, Neville and Ronald. For ships, definitely Ron and Hermione (good shipper for five years!).
What's your favorite of the seven books?: It's hard to choose between Order of the Phoenix, Deathly Hallows and Goblet of Fire.
What's your favorite ( ... )
Haha, me too. I just can't stand backed beans and stuff like that. But otherwise I love the british lifestyle. I'd really love to go there and experience it.
btw: I also loved school of rock xD Can't get enough of Jack Black as well.
School of Rock pretty much owned my soul when I was a freshman. It was an unhealthy obsession that got to the point where I could put my head down in class and play it in my mind! x) Hahaha, well I'm not so obsessed with it now, but I do quote it from time to time. ;)
Age: 21
How long have you been into HP? What got you into it?: Snce August 22, 2005. A June/July issue of Elle magazine that had Rupert Grint as their 4th out of 50 hottest guys. He beat Orli *giggles*
What are some of your favorite HP characters?: Ron, Ginny, Arthur, Ronald, Hermione, Roonil Wazlib
What are some of your favorite HP pairings?: I would write it all out -- *cracks knuckles* -- but it would take too long. Anything featuring Ron.
What characters/pairings do you talk about most often in your journal?: Ron, Ron/anyone
What's your favorite of the seven books?: I dunno. The one where Ron has either a kiss or some brilliant relevation. All of them.
What's your favorite of the movie adaptations?: So far, it'd have to be OotP. It was previously PoA, but -- well -- OotP had tons more R/Hr moments. It made my toes curl.
What's your least favorite book and movie?: Least favorite book, Philosopher's Stone. Least favorite film, Goblet of Fire.
Do you do any fanworks (art, fic, icons, etc.)? If so, what?: I ( ... )
And its really cool that you're into the wwe, so am i and not many people understand why.
Do you mind if I friend you?
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