Main Fandoms: HETALIA, Harry Potter, Doctor Who (mostly S1-S4, but some oldskool stuff too), Booster Gold/Justice League International
Favorite characters: AMERICA, England, Prussia, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Rose Tyler, The Tenth Doctor, Ted Kord
Favorite pairings: AMERICA/ENGLAND, Sweden/Finland, Ron/Hermione, Doctor/Rose, Booster Gold/Ted Kord
There's a larger list of fandoms/characters/pairs in my profile.
What do you post about in your journal?: Lately it's mostly about Hetalia, my fanworks for that fandom, and real-life.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: I love people who comment on my posts and people who try to stay positive.
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: Books: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Sherlock Holmes, LOTR | Movies: anything by Pixar <3, Indiana Jones, Star Wars | Music: Alt-Rock, Eurovision stuff
^^ I've added you too, and added you to my yaoi filter, let me know if i you don't want to see that stuff. I keep adding people to it that don't actually like it. OTL. But since you like us/uk am assuming you do. ;)
Main Fandoms: Axis Powers Hetalia • Supernatural • Mass Effect • Team Fortress 2 • Left 4 Dead • When They Cry • Tales of • Mystery Science Theater 3000
Favorite characters: Prussia • Spain • England • Belgium • Dean Winchester • Castiel • Gabriel • Garrus • Thane • Joker • Scout • Engineer • Nick • Ellis • Shion Sonozaki • Yuri Lowell • Raven
What do you post about in your journal?: Fandom babble and personal talk, I'm not very exciting lmao.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: Just similar interests! I love gamers. B)
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: Metal is my favorite genre of music but I'll listen to anything. Aside from Supernatural, I don't really watch much TV.
Fellow gamer here!! Though I have yet to play Left 4 Dead... don't own an xbox or a PC. :x It sounds amazing though!! Also, Metal is awesome. Friends?? :DD
LEFT 4 DEAD, MASS EFFECT, SUPERNATURAL. You just made me so happy I might actually cry. And also reminded me just how badly I need to catch up season 5 of SPN and actually play Mass Effect, not just watch my friends. /fail
Main Fandoms: Hetalia (the only one I'm "active" in), One Piece, Kuroshitsuji, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Dexter
Favorite characters: Hetalia: America, France, Russia, England, Spain, and Sweden. One Piece: Roronoa Zoro and Sanji. Kuroshitsuji: Grell and Soma. Dexter: Doakes, Debra, and Masuka
Favorite pairings: Ohhh boy. Uh. I'm pretty liberal when it comes to pairings, to be honest. Though lately, I've narrowed it down to America/England, Russia/America, France/England (main) while also appreciating Sweden/Finland, Greece/Japan, France/Spain, England/Spain.... as for One Piece, I'm a huge Zoro/Sanji fan.
What do you post about in your journal?: Fandom stuff, career stuff, things I fail at, and occasionally I throw in random posts when I'm sleep deprived and having lost my mind. Also, CAPSLOCK ABUSE and emoticons galore. :DDD I can't express myself well without such things.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: Honestly? Anyone who is chill and positive and likes to live.
All your favorite pairings = all my favorite pairings = we should be friends? :'D But really you had me at "Rammstein", none of my other friends like them very much and I'm crazy about their music =3=
Main Fandoms: Naruto, FMA, Gurren Lagann, Pokemon (gen 1), Fruits Basket, Legend of Zelda, and Harry Potter. I have more fandoms listed on my user info.
Favorite characters: Team 7, Sand sibs, Ed, Mustang, Hawkeye, Xing people, Tohru, Kyo, Mabudachi trio, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Marauders. I tend to like almost everyone though :D
Favorite pairings: Naruto/Sakura, Shikamaru/Temari, Ed/Winry, Royai, Kyo/Tohru, and Ron/Hermione.
What do you post about in your journal?: Real life stuff, memes and the odd fandom thing.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: (this can include anything from 'someone who'll comment' to 'someone to RP with' etc.) Just someone who'll comment occasionally so we can get to know each other :)
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: My favourite books will probably always be the Harry Potter series. I also love the Percy Jackson series, Memoirs of a Geisha, Brave New World, and a ton of others. I recently graduated uni as an English major,
( ... )
Main Fandoms: Hetalia, Pokemon, KHR, Phoenix Wright, Oofuri, and Gintama.
Favorite characters: Germany, America, England, Eusine, Silver, Gary Oak, Brock, Brock's Crogunk, Gokudera, Tsuna, Nuts, Abe, Edgeworth, and most of the Gintama cast.
Favorite pairings: USUK, Gertalia, Spain/Romano, Gold/Silver, Morty/Eusine, Red/Green(Ash/Gary), 5927, Tsuna/Enma, Abe/Mihashi, Phoenix/Edgeworth and a shit ton more.
What do you post about in your journal?: Mostly important events in my life, pokemon, hetalia, and anything else I feel the need to squee about.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: (this can include anything from 'someone who'll comment' to 'someone to RP with' etc.) Anyone who wants to be my friend. :) IDC if you never update your journal. Just be friendly~
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: Doctor Who, Dexter, HIMYM, Harry Potter, Inception, PIXAR, and uhhhh well, I need to catch up on Big Bang Theory asap man. Actually, I need to catch up with Dexter and
( ... )
Comments 740
Age: 26
Main Fandoms: HETALIA, Harry Potter, Doctor Who (mostly S1-S4, but some oldskool stuff too), Booster Gold/Justice League International
Favorite characters: AMERICA, England, Prussia, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Rose Tyler, The Tenth Doctor, Ted Kord
Favorite pairings: AMERICA/ENGLAND, Sweden/Finland, Ron/Hermione, Doctor/Rose, Booster Gold/Ted Kord
There's a larger list of fandoms/characters/pairs in my profile.
What do you post about in your journal?: Lately it's mostly about Hetalia, my fanworks for that fandom, and real-life.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: I love people who comment on my posts and people who try to stay positive.
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: Books: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Sherlock Holmes, LOTR | Movies: anything by Pixar <3, Indiana Jones, Star Wars | Music: Alt-Rock, Eurovision stuff
Anything else?:
( ... )
( ... )
Age: 21
Main Fandoms: Axis Powers Hetalia • Supernatural • Mass Effect • Team Fortress 2 • Left 4 Dead • When They Cry • Tales of • Mystery Science Theater 3000
Favorite characters: Prussia • Spain • England • Belgium • Dean Winchester • Castiel • Gabriel • Garrus • Thane • Joker • Scout • Engineer • Nick • Ellis • Shion Sonozaki • Yuri Lowell • Raven
Favorite pairings: Prussia+Belgium • America+Belarus • Spain+Romano • Dean+Castiel • Garrus+fem!Shepard • Joker+fem!Shepard • Nick+Ellis • Shion+Satoshi
What do you post about in your journal?: Fandom babble and personal talk, I'm not very exciting lmao.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: Just similar interests! I love gamers. B)
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: Metal is my favorite genre of music but I'll listen to anything. Aside from Supernatural, I don't really watch much TV.
Anything else?:
( ... )
And of course! Sorry this is a bit late, I'm a derp. XD :D
Fellow gamer friend?? 8D
Age: 23
Main Fandoms: Hetalia (the only one I'm "active" in), One Piece, Kuroshitsuji, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Dexter
Favorite characters: Hetalia: America, France, Russia, England, Spain, and Sweden. One Piece: Roronoa Zoro and Sanji. Kuroshitsuji: Grell and Soma. Dexter: Doakes, Debra, and Masuka
Favorite pairings: Ohhh boy. Uh. I'm pretty liberal when it comes to pairings, to be honest. Though lately, I've narrowed it down to America/England, Russia/America, France/England (main) while also appreciating Sweden/Finland, Greece/Japan, France/Spain, England/Spain.... as for One Piece, I'm a huge Zoro/Sanji fan.
What do you post about in your journal?: Fandom stuff, career stuff, things I fail at, and occasionally I throw in random posts when I'm sleep deprived and having lost my mind. Also, CAPSLOCK ABUSE and emoticons galore. :DDD I can't express myself well without such things.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: Honestly? Anyone who is chill and positive and likes to live.
Other favorites: ( ... )
+ Russiakitty ♥♥♥ :3
- Cattie
Age: 23
Main Fandoms: Naruto, FMA, Gurren Lagann, Pokemon (gen 1), Fruits Basket, Legend of Zelda, and Harry Potter.
I have more fandoms listed on my user info.
Favorite characters: Team 7, Sand sibs, Ed, Mustang, Hawkeye, Xing people, Tohru, Kyo, Mabudachi trio, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Marauders. I tend to like almost everyone though :D
Favorite pairings: Naruto/Sakura, Shikamaru/Temari, Ed/Winry, Royai, Kyo/Tohru, and Ron/Hermione.
What do you post about in your journal?: Real life stuff, memes and the odd fandom thing.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: (this can include anything from 'someone who'll comment' to 'someone to RP with' etc.) Just someone who'll comment occasionally so we can get to know each other :)
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: My favourite books will probably always be the Harry Potter series. I also love the Percy Jackson series, Memoirs of a Geisha, Brave New World, and a ton of others. I recently graduated uni as an English major, ( ... )
Wanna be friends? :)
Age: 19, almost 20 awww yeah.
Main Fandoms: Hetalia, Pokemon, KHR, Phoenix Wright, Oofuri, and Gintama.
Favorite characters: Germany, America, England, Eusine, Silver, Gary Oak, Brock, Brock's Crogunk, Gokudera, Tsuna, Nuts, Abe, Edgeworth, and most of the Gintama cast.
Favorite pairings: USUK, Gertalia, Spain/Romano, Gold/Silver, Morty/Eusine, Red/Green(Ash/Gary), 5927, Tsuna/Enma, Abe/Mihashi, Phoenix/Edgeworth and a shit ton more.
What do you post about in your journal?: Mostly important events in my life, pokemon, hetalia, and anything else I feel the need to squee about.
What are you looking for in an LJ-friend?: (this can include anything from 'someone who'll comment' to 'someone to RP with' etc.) Anyone who wants to be my friend. :) IDC if you never update your journal. Just be friendly~
Other favorites: Books, Movies, TV, Music?: Doctor Who, Dexter, HIMYM, Harry Potter, Inception, PIXAR, and uhhhh well, I need to catch up on Big Bang Theory asap man. Actually, I need to catch up with Dexter and ( ... )
I love that!
Friends? I am friendly. :D
OMG NO WAY. Friends? y/y?
Adding :D &hearts
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