[The phone is flat on the ground, angled up at Revan. It's a little difficult to tell, but she's sitting in a meditative position, lightsaber across her lap, eyes closed. There's a faint tone of amusement in her voice as she speaks.]
Just curious, but how many of you have arrived here from Coruscant? I only ask because it's getting a little bit
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Comments 41
Coruscant is no planet that I'm familiar with, but I've seen the name before. I assume that it holds some sort of significance .
[Yep, Saren has been shamelessly stalking the Normandy squad's feeds.]
Intriguing list of titles.
It's the shining jewel of the Republic. Mainly due to all of the lights constantly lit. [She smirks.]
I have more.
The Republic - is that a government for your galaxy, an order?
Oh? You call yourself a hero, a murderer, and a traitor. That’s quite the reputation alone, and the contradiction - but you don’t seem to be bothered, human.
Why should I be bothered by who I am?
Jack, and grievance is that I owe you a swift kick in the nuts, but seeing as you're without, guess I'll settle for a rain check.
What if I found someone else for you to kick as a stand in?
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