The best ever...

Apr 11, 2005 13:59

The best conversations ever
The best lover ever
The best friend ever
The best confidante ever
You are those and more
I love you!

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Comments 4

modamama April 11 2005, 23:05:43 UTC
awww geez louise billy, i am blushing !!


cognitoface April 12 2005, 01:26:28 UTC
Back off, Walker, he's mine.

I miss you like crazy.
I can't wait to see you next weekend.
And I love you, now more than ever.


Hey, Sorry... yrucrying May 1 2005, 08:09:46 UTC
This is the only way i can get in touch with you, so i hope you get this soon, hopefully tonight...

I need you to call me, i really do. I want you to call me tomorrow, around 2ish...but i don't think you'll get this tonight...damn it man!

Don't be afraid to call, it's really ok, David won't come hunt you down or anything...I promise...

Bon Reves, Check out AE's Spring line, and keep yourself smiling...

-ann the bean dog...


cognitoface May 11 2005, 09:01:42 UTC
You, Billy, are a vernicious knid.

god, it's late.


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