Hey, I'm Abbey. I just got my degree in Comparative Literature with a focus on literary translation. My education was in Boston, my misspent youth's in Kyoto, and now I'm back in Japan trying to figure out where to go from here.
My heart and hard drive belong to Johnny's Entertainment, KAT-TUN in particular. I share Akanishi Jin's discomfort when it comes to anime and manga, although I do have a soft spot for Prince of Tennis (ike ike, Ryoma-sama). One day I will forgive Queer as Folk for the last two seasons, but Brian Kinney will always be my hero. It turns out I still love Harry Potter (draco draco draco), even after all these years.
I panic about my lost youth and my hazy future. I get a kick out of idioms and untranslatable words. Coffee is my main and favorite vice, followed closely by secondhand smoke and firsthand whiskey.
This journal is flocked except when it's not. Drop a comment if you need anything, or shoot me an email (harborvitae at gmail).