Name: Hannah Abbott
House: Hufflepuff
The name of who you turned into: Michael Corner
The house of who you turned into: Ravenclaw
Is this your first time polyjuicing? If not, how has this time differed from previous experiences?
If you changed genders:
How has this changed your perceptions of girls?
Still glad I am one. Also, girls are nicer to dance with than boys.
How has this changed your perceptions of boys?
Still worthless creeps.
Did you learn anything about the other gender, physically? Sexually?
It is rather uncomfortable to walk. HA! Serves them right.
How will you treat the other gender differently in the future?
I won’t.
Did your age change? If so, did you become younger, or older? A lot? What have you learned from this?
Did your body type change? If so, how? Did you become thinner? More robust? Taller? Shorter? Larger breasts? Smaller breasts? Fitter? Uglier? In better shape? Worse? Different hair? What have you learned about tolerance from this?
I became more MALE. Ew. Not that ones attractiveness should be important, but I certainly didn’t become fitter. Ew.
What about yourself have you decided to change because of this?
Hmmm. Let me think. Nothing.
If you are a pureblood who turned into a non-pureblood, or vice versa, what have you learned about the "purity of blood"?
People still care about this sort of thing? Clearly they don’t have REAL problems in their life.
What about yourself have you learned to appreciate more?
Not being MALE and having every female you talk to apparently convinced you are hitting on them. I may have been stuck inside Michael’s body, but that hardly meant I was a lecherous creep too!
What about the person you turned into have you learned to appreciate more?
I hardly think ‘appreciate’ is the right word.
Will you be more understanding of the person you turned into in the future? Will you try to be better friends with them?
If you changed into someone from a different house, did you learn anything about their house? What about your attitudes towards the various houses?
I think respective HOUSES were the last thing on people’s minds. Though I SUPPOSE it was rather freeing to not constantly be on the defensive about being Hufflepuff. We get a lot of slack, which is SO unfair!
How did you feel about being changed when it happened? Were you embarrassed?
I was horrified.
How do you feel about having been changed now?
Still rather horrified. Urgh, I was a BOY.
What was the best thing about being changed?
...getting to dance with Michael’s date.
What was the worst thing about being changed?
Duh. Being MALE.
What was your favourite moment while changed?
This question is exactly the same as the ‘best thing’ question.
What was your least favourite moment while changed?
Ditto. Not only do we get HOMEWORK, it’s POINTLESS homework.
How did it feel to see someone else in your body? How did it feel when you found out who was in your body?
I noticed my hair didn’t look that great from the back. I was just relieved it wasn’t some inconsiderate male in there. Though I was worried Parvati would say something completely INANE and people would think it was ME.
Did anything the person in your body do cause you distress? What?
I don’t think so. Except the clothes on it appeared distressingly PINK.
Do you think anything you did while changed may have caused distress to the person whose body you occupied?
I just danced with his date. Surely that’s only what he would’ve done.
Was there anything you wish you had not done while changed because it was hurtful? If so, what?
Did anyone else's changes affect you? Which ones and why?
Is there anything else important you learned from this experience? What?
Is this done now? Right. I have a Charms essay to do. I also need to investigate dyeing charms and cats and the combination thereof. Right.