(I didn't type the subject and I'd rather that not count against me if at all possible.)
Name: Kaitie
Gender/Sex/Affiliation: Female
Age: 16
Location: Ohio
What attracted you to this community? The name. I love using my brain and I am proud to have one.
What is the highest level of school completed? 10th grade
What are some of your major interests/hobbies? I love reading, talking with my friends, and listening to music.
What about the human psyche most appeals to you, and why? How and why people form their opinions. It's interesting to hear why some people are republicans, why some people are religious, and why some people believe in reincarnation.
Type of music most enjoyed: I guess you could call it indie.
Books/authors: Chuck Palahniuk, Dave Eggers, and J.K. Rowling
Something special or beautiful about your brain: As immature as I can be, I can grasp some pretty complex ideas. I can sit down and have a real conversation with an adult.
Are you an artist or writer? If yes, please post some of your work. Though I wish I could say that I am either/both of those, I'm not.
What color was George Washington's white horse? White
Organized religion: While I think it's great to have something to believe in, I don't like organized religion. Most people in an organized religion believe in their Higher Power because they're obligated to. Their parents were Catholic so naturally, they're Catholic and suddenly, it's a religion full of people who believe just to say they believe. Also, organized religion only causes problems. Pagans versus Christians. Satanists verus Catholics. Muslims versus Christians. And every one of those religious groups feels that their God, or Goddess, or Higher Power is the only true one. It spawns unnecessary wars and hate crimes throughout our world.
Society: While society comes across as corrupt, I think that some people underestimate it. I, for one, know many people who don't know the first thing about politics, religion, or what's going on in the world today. But I think that everyone knows that handful of people who are just as informed as themself. It's a matter of weeding out the people that don't care, don't know, and don't care to know, to get to the people that care just as much as you. For example - Abercrombie and Fitch selling shirts for girls that say 'Who needs brains when you have these?' And you just know that teenage girls are going to go out there, buy that shirt, and think they're adorable. When I saw this shirt, I was disgusted and just wanted to have those shirts destroyed. And then, kind of out of nowhere, a group of girls from Pennsylvania petitioned A&F and got them to stop selling some of their shirts. While a majority of society is corrupt, there are still those few breaths of fresh air out there.
The occult/paranormal: I don't necessarily believe in the occult or the paranormal but I think it's plausible. I think that spirits can stay behind after death if something terrible happened to them, or they're watching over someone. I also think that things like astrology can be true. I'm not saying go to Yahoo! Horoscopes and buy into it. You'd have to research your own astrological sign and all of the things that go along with it (I've tried to research it and do it myself - extremely difficult).
The environment: I'm not really informed/interested in the environment. Which is stupid of me because things like oil, the o-zone, and pollution are a threat to everyone. There is one small thing about me that does have to do with the environment: people who release balloons into the air. It seems cute and fun, but those things pop and then animals try to eat them. And when they try to eat them, they choke and die.
The Arts: The Arts are stereotypical among many people. The first thoughts that cross people's mind when you say those words are 'drawing, coloring, painting, and taking pictures.' But the fact is, there's more to The Arts. Things like dance, writing, musical performance, etc. are all considered The Arts. I wish that the less stereotypical arts were offered to people at a younger age so that they have more options for later on in life.
The Sciences: Go Sciences! It's amazing what has been created because of science. Better treatments for Cancer patients, new medications for people with... well any kind of injury or illness, and new discoveries within the human race. Also the fact that cloning is possible and that doctors can actually take embryo's of one woman, the sperm of one man, put them in another woman, and a baby is created is completely unbelievable.
Drugs: I don't get drugs. I mean, I don't get what it is about drugs. I've found that I honestly don't need acid or alcohol to have fun. It ruins lives, costs lives, and it's risky. I, for one, would rather not be associated with anyone who does drugs or deals.
Pornography: Degrading. I don't know why a woman/man would want to expose herself/himself for a magazine or movie that can only be bought if you show an ID. How many people can walk up to a counter, ask for a porn magazine or movie without feeling a little bit ashamed? The answer is probably slim to none which just goes to show that it's not a good thing.
List the first word that comes to your mind after the following-
Nun: Jesus
Blood: Red
Cerebral: Thought
Library: Words
Words: Book
Butter: Bread
Mirror: Face
Lord: of the Flies (sorry, more than one word)
Semen: Man
Heart: Blood
Manic: Crazy
Revolver: Shot
Cut: Ouch
Post 3 or more random images that express who you are (None of yourself!!):