Name: Maebh
Gender/Sex/Affiliation: Female
Location: Ireland
What attracted you to this community? It seems like a bit of a challenge, while still being fun. It's a nice mix.
What is the highest level of school completed? I'm in my last year of secondary school, and I have my Leaving Certificate Exams in June.
What are some of your major interests/hobbies? My biggest interest right now is psychology, looking it up online and reading books on it, but I also love reading, writing, and staying up late watching movies. I read books on science when I get the chance, mostly physics. Also, I like tinkering with computers, although I'll admit I'm not very good at it. I do enjoy sleeping, but I'm not sure if that counts as a hobby..
What about the human psyche most appeals to you, and why? Our ability to dream, not just while sleeping, but mostly. And I love the way people describe a dream, and then go "I wonder what it meant"...because, well, I don't think there are hidden depths, not really. It's just our mind trying to work stuff out..
Type of music most enjoyed: Right now my favourite singer is Rufus Wainwright..but I have wide tastes..
Books/authors: I'll read 'most anything if I'm bored enough. I'm enjoying Anne Rice's The Witching Hour at the moment. And Ian McEwan's always good for something to dig into, and fantasy (Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett). More serious stuff too, but I'm a great believer in reading for fun..
Something special or beautiful about your brain: Mine in particular?...I don't know. The conversations I have with myself can be entertaining. I don't think about my brain much, I tend to think of it as my mind more..
Are you an artist or writer? If yes, please post some of your work. I am a writer, or, at least, I try. I have a writing journal over at
cha0s_theory, which is, I'm afraid, friends only. But that's only to keep mad people out, if you're curious then leave a comment and I'll be glad to let you in..
What color was George Washington's white horse? I'm assuming it was white. If I'm wrong and this is some sort of trick question, because it seems that way, then forgive me...
Organized religion: I'm not part of any organised religion, I never have been. My parents are more of the opinion that it should be left up to me, (and my brother too) and when I'm an adult, out of their authority, they don't mind if I want to join one. But I don't. I'm not really into it. Okay, how will I put this? I don't mind people being whatever it is they are, the only time I would start to get annoyed is if somebody tries to tell me I'm wrong for not joining with them. Forcing beliefs on anyone is where I'd have any problems with it.
Generally speaking though, it can bring out strong emotions in people, and that's not always a bad thing, especially if it makes them think more..
But I also think it's not necessary to be religious to be moral, nor is morality hand in hand with religion.
Society: People (a lot of the time) screw each other over. I do have other things to say on the topic of soceties..but because, for one thing, I think mine is probably quite a bit different from the american one, I think I'll leave it for now..
The occult/paranormal: I tried it, getting into this area. It bored me, to be honest. The books and material on it, even the mad Satanic ones, are all still full of their rules and regulations...and if I wanted to be evil or different or get in touch with my inner spirit I wouldn't need anyone else's help. I think there probably is some sort of plane or place or..set of entities..that our senses don't usually pick up on, and while I have no proof of this, I tend to think that if it is quite this widespread, the idea of the paranormal, that there must be something in it..
The environment: Should be protected, of course, but probably won't be. Not the way we've been carrying on (the last few decades especially)...
The Arts: I love 'em. I think they should be more promoted, and am eternally grateful to my parents for sending me to a small primary school where they were focused on. I mean, yeah, it taught me I can't use oil paints to save my life, but at least it gave me the opportunity. What about the amount of talent that goes to waste simply because kids don't get the chance to find these things out? It's a terrible shame. But at the same time...they're not the be all and end all of my life..
The Sciences: I've always been interested in science, I want to study it with psychology at university..especially physics. I mean, why not know all you can find out about something as important as physics? It's not like it dictates everything that happens around us or anything..("sarcasm, come on in here"..)
Yeah, there's something not many people know about me; I have a lot more faith in science than I do in people or ghosts..
Drugs: Should be legalised. The legal ones, the ones that are taxed and regulated that is, are harmful and kinda evil, in my opinion, and it shouldn't be up to the government to tell people what they can or cannot do, think or take into their bodies, so long as they don't harm any other human being..
(Ok, so I'm paraphrasing someone there, but it's still what I think..)
If someone wants to fuck themselves up good, then let them.
I don't do drugs, by the way, I just don't think banning them is a good idea..
Pornography: There's plenty wrong with it, and yes, in an ideal world no one would need any of it, and pictures taken of people when they're not consenting is just not on, but again, I don't feel it should be banned. I mean, ok, I wouldn't pose for it, but that's more due to my own insecurity than any moral qualms about people gawking at my body. And lonely people need something to get them through those long, cold nights...
And teenage boys, we can't forget them..
List the first word that comes to your mind after the following-
Nun: School.
Blood: Red
Cerebral: silver
Library: Celia
Mirror: Plath
Lord: ..of the rings...
Semen: ropes
Heart: vein
Manic: depression
Revolver: ride
Cut: Blade
Post 3 or more random images that express who you are (None of yourself!!):
This is going to sound really bad, but my beautiful brain can't figure out how to post pictures. I know there's an FAQ, and so it should be easy, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it. If you'd tell me I can edit this post because I know the three I'd post.
I've never had to do it before, which is funny, considering I've had an LJ for over eighteen months...
Anyway, I like the look of this place and would be chuffed if allowed in...but now, I guess, tis over to you!