Title: Compromising Positions: Chuck and Blair Caught in the Act
Author: Abfan123 (Jessica)
Pairings/Characters: Chuck/Blair (others mentioned in this chapter)
Rating: M for Mature (smut, definitely, and humor…I think)
Chapter: 3/?
Word Count: 1,641
Spoilers: Season 2 finale
Summary: The third time Chuck and Blair were caught in the act was
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Comments 10
And also, HOT.
Glad that you enjoyed :)
happy to hear that you enjoyed! (yay NJBC)
glad to hear you liked it :)
So glad they got Natie out and hot damn, B in that outfit and that voice. *drool*
I love that she tied him up. So hot.
And ta da. In comes Nate and Serena. Poor Chuckles.
And CN awkward. I love those boys.
i miss CN being besties :( they are too adorable together!
thanks so much for reading, glad that you enjoyed it!
'Blair pushed her body up to its full height, “get on the chair Chuck.” She commanded in her most sultry voice.
“You’re adorable,” Chuck responded with a lopsided grin.'
I was grinning the whole time. This one was still very sexy, but it had a lighthearted feel and was just as enjoyable as the previous installment.
Also, this is why I always knock and listen at doors before entering rooms!
I hope you didn't miss chapter 2, it has a lead in for this scenario.
always knock on doors!!! lol
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