(no subject)

Nov 30, 2020 08:32

It has been awhile.

I realized today that this might be the first year I haven't written a fic or any fiction at all. Oh, I started a couple, but then I just sort of wandered away. I'm not really on fire about any fandom, though we religiously watch all the Star Trek. I'm just doing other things. I have been writing in my journal more often. Maybe I can do weekly updates from that.

So the pandemic is entering the truly fucking frightening phase, though here it's not as bad. Boy1's fiancee is positive, and while I haven't seen her in person for awhile, I did see him last week and hugged him. We're being a little more cautious for the next week. I'll let my supervisors know that I probably shouldn't be in the offices this coming week for sure. Our college ended the semester on the 20th and was the only college in our region to not have any on-campus positive cases. So very grateful for our students and my colleagues for following the CDC guidelines. Yes, they do work.

We postponed Thanksgiving because our dog ran off into the woods. On Wednesday HeadBoy took Celo up to where he deer hunts, on property owned by friends. They walked around for a while, and got tired and hungry and were heading back when HB dropped Celo's leash for a moment and Celo caught a whiff of something and took off. HB searched all day for him to no avail. Called all the neighbors, animal control, etc.; rain and dark moved in so HB came home. He was beating himself up pretty severely (which, yes, he should have. Celo has run off from him twice before when he dropped the leash--such a dumbass move.)This is the first time we haven't found him before dark. So Celo spent the night in the woods. Then yesterday around 4:30 we got a call from folks who were vacationing in the area, a few miles from our friends' property, to tell us Celo had walked into their cabin, following the scent of cooking turkey and ham. They were very kind to him, giving him water and meat, while waiting for us to come get him. We were all exhausted last night. I finally told HB he was no longer allowed to take Celo into the woods on his own.

I've been writing postcards to Democratic voters in GA the past few days. I'm a little over halfway. I'm avoiding it because my handwriting started to deteriorate after a few hours. I guess I should get back to it.

Hey, a real entry.

real life, headboy, proper update is proper

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