Why is it that with my life busier than ever I feel lonlier than I have in awhile?
[Private to Self]
I am spending many a day at the shop in Hogsmeade. Ron is nice to work for and we do engage in some decent conversations from time to time. Still, it's not like school. I'd give anything to see Ernie or Justin again. Then again, maybe I only want them around because there are some things you simply want to share with your best friends.
Not only am I working at the shop all the time, I also spend every weekend at Finnigan's. I feel I need to be there because Seamus asked me to be a part of this venture. Still, since the orders I need to fill have been placed on hold I feel as if my presence isn't really needed. Then there's Dean. We see each other every weekend, but he's so busy helping Seamus behind the bar that we rarely have time to say more than a few sentences to each other. I know this pub is just as much his passion as Seamus. Yet it's really irritating me that just when we started getting along well I find myself playing second fiddle to an establishment.
I know I shouldn't really care. It's not as if we're a couple or anything. I just wish we had time to explore the possibility. Then again, maybe I am just deluding myself and there was really nothing there in the first place. But what if there is? What if I'm just trying to talk myself out of trying because I'm afraid?
I need my best friends.
[Private to Dean]
Are you free for lunch one day next week? I'd like to go over the new rental agreements if you have time. That way I know they're legally alligned before I present them to Seamus,