Title: Exercises in Futility
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: Kate, Sawyer. “She said it worked.”
Spoilers: through “What Kate Does”
Notes: For
lost_in_108 prompt #20, worked.
She finds him again, on a swing in the barracks yard, still and silent. She doesn't know if he's registered her presence. She doesn't really know anything, anymore. And she's never been good at sitting still, but she tries it, now. Takes the swing next to his. Sits. Waits. For anything.
Finally: “She said it worked.”
Pause. Then, “What?”
“The bomb. She said it worked.” It's delivered in a monotone, but he does give a small kick, sets his swing to sway gently. She takes a breath, speaks carefully.
“We're still here.”
He looks at her then, for the first time in what feels like years. “I know.”