Title: Ooh Child
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: They take his son and Michael snaps.
Spoilers: through Two For the Road
Notes: For
lost_in_108 #41, taken. Warning: canon character death.
They take his son and Michael snaps. He can actually feel himself going crazy, his brain separating from his heart. Half alive.
The rest of them, they're not parents. They don't get it. He would die for Walt.
He would kill for him.
Still, it's only something he says, quietly, to himself, in the dark when no one else is around. I would kill to get him back. He means it, but it's abstract.
...Until the cool weight of the gun is in his hand, until he can feel the tension in his wrist as he holds it steady. As he watches, Ana crumples against the couch.