Title: Mine Are Sinning Hands
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: Ed Mars on Kate. Is he, in some twisted way, her confessor?
Spoilers: I Do
Notes: For
lost_in_108 #77, twist. Title is from Iron & Wine.
It's halfway through the first year - the first year he starts tracking her - before he realizes she calls him on every holy day of obligation.
He wonders, then: is he, in some twisted way, her confessor?
The thought makes him laugh, low, and grip the phone tighter. He imagines her at Mass, slipping in the back, her hair dyed some unrecognizable color, kneeling and rising with the congregants. A murderer among the devout.
She hangs up, always, before the trace can be completed. He flips through his calendar and marks the next holy day. One day, she'll make a mistake. His confessional will be ready when she does.