Title: A Pocketful of Mumbles
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: Kate/Kevin Callis: She remembers her prayers: lead us not into temptation.
Spoilers: I Do
Notes: For
lost_in_108 #79, temptation. The title and cut tag come from Simon and Garfunkel's “The Boxer.”
She takes a job at a diner in Miami, and he and his buddies are regulars. So she knows he's a cop from the very beginning, and that alone should make her keep her distance. But he's charming, he's handsome, so inherently good.
(She remembers her prayers: lead us not into temptation.)
He's quietly persistent. Tips her extravagantly. His cop buddies tease him and he smiles at her, abashed. He even tells her about his mother - “she'd love you” - and she wants. She can be good.
(Lead us not.)
Her name - Monica - sounds like music on his mouth. Innocent.
(Lead us.)
The lies roll easy off her tongue.