Title: In Our Bedroom After the War
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: Rose and Bernard: Retirement suits them.
Spoilers: The Incident
Notes: for
lost_in_108 prompt #95: under
Retirement suits them. It's liberating, being away from it all, flying under the radar of the Dharma Initiative and their fellow survivors. They make the rule early on: don't get involved.
They finish the cottage in '75. Their first night sleeping inside, Bernard makes to pick her up as they reach the door. Rose swats at his shoulder (“you're not as young as you think you are,” but she's laughing, charmed) and instead they step over the threshold together, arm in arm.
Each morning, Rose wakes early. As she watches the sun rise over the horizon, she prays. It's as much involvement as she allows herself.
It's enough.