So. Life. That little thing that I fail to write about more than once a year or so. Just so y'all know, my cat still apparently likes vodka. Also, I got a job in historically the worst year for unemployment since the great depression in the state of California. Go me.
And I'm a bad guy. Sort of. My job is morally grey. I get people kicked out of their homes. Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of real jerks out there who deserve it. I mean, they really do deserve it. They've done nothing but screw people over, and bigger people are smacking them with a small stick - which is substantially smaller than they could be smacking with, and with fewer swings. To deconstruct the metaphor, punitive conditions aren't as grave as they could be. So the evil corporate entities are being nice-like and losing a whole lot of money. But I guess that's not enough, 'cause people still want to live in someone else's house for free.
But then there's the odd dude with terminal cancer and the cancer caused him to lose his job. Go figure that lead to the loss of said house. It's just one of those things. Morally grey. Lucky for me the judges usually agree to certain stipulations regarding the latter cases.
And my bosses are really neat people. That's good. I'm decently well-liked. And I'm OK at my job. Not good, but OK.
But I'm not learning so terribly much any more. Meh.
Oh, and I'm gonna have a yard again. It has flowers. Pretty flowers.
Good night.