[840 Hastings Boulevard; action]
[Members of the household might hear the sounds of what could be a lamp hitting the floor, possibly taking some damage whoops sorry about that. There are sounds of a panicked fuss after that. Morgiana was sure she had a decent grasp of the strange who-dad, but perhaps it was heavier than she thought?
No, even as she's stumbling heading down the stairs, she feels as if she is entirely weaker. Is she ill? Had these people done something to her, after taking her here?
She is now standing warily in front of whoever she runs into in the house, holding up picture frame of a nice family.]
What is this?
[Out and about; action]
[It's a bit later in the day and certain young girl is still in her jamjams! Though they are pretty messed up right now, with grass stains and dirt smudges all about her. Morgiana has been spending her day exploring, you could say. Maybe you've seen her? She can be seen:
a) Attempting to climb a tree for a better view! She'd long gotten rid of her socks and is attempting to leap for a branch, several times. Usually, she could conquer this tree easily. If she wanted, she could leap to the very top. But now, she can barely jump a few inches off the ground. After falling on her bum enough times, it looks kind of ridiculous.
b) Standing in the middle of the road...
When she's not feeling the concrete like it's the most interesting thing in the world, she's staring down a car if it happens to come by. She seems to be debating standing her ground, but usually scuttles out of the way before it gets dangerously close. And then repeat!
c) Near the stores, though she's more interested in the people. Is she staring at you? It could be that your clothes look strange- or maybe you look strange?
Oh, did you catch her staring? If so, she'll fall to the ground in what looks like a very serious bow. In the middle of the crowd, oh dear.]