Four jobs I've had:
1. Assistant Director of Advertising and Public Relations… or, as my paycheck says, office worker
2. Babysitter
3. Uh… pet-sitter?
4. I’m out. I don’t have much work experience.
Four things I want to do before I die:
1. Figure important stuff out.
2. Get married. And have kids, since everyone speaks so highly of that.
3. Recover from CFIDS
4. Affect the lives of others in a major and positive way
Four things I say a lot:
1. What do I say a lot? Hm… I don’t know.
2. Probably I say, “I don’t know” a lot, come to think of it.
3. I do say “I,” “you,” “the,” “and,” and “like” a lot. I know that.
4. Maybe Sara can answer this one for me.
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pizza!
2. Chocolate-covered strawberries
3. Popcorn shrimp with cocktail sauce
4. Cookie dough ice cream
Four people I'd like to curse:
1. Hitler of course
2. And if Hitler’s taken care of and the Allies don’t have to worry about losing WWII, Stalin
3. A certain school administrator (but not too much. I’d feel bad)
4. Whoever decided to sell iPods with those tiny little headphones that don’t stay in my ears
Four things I don't trust:
1. The opinions of people who don’t understand how anyone could disagree with them.
2. A certain school administrator
3. The music tastes of Kurt Cobain fans
4. Convicted felons
Four people from history I'd like to meet:
1. I’m assuming if I can meet dead people, it’s not too much to ask for me to be able to understand people who speak a different language. With that in mind: Jesus,
2. Buddha, and
3. Mohammed, preferably all at the same time. With a video camera.
4. And also Shakespeare.
Four movies I watch over and over:
1. Serenity
2. Groundhog Day (yes, I know, ironic)
3. Lord of the Rings trilogy… sort of. I’ve probably seen the first and last movie thrice. (“Thrice” is a good word. We should revive it.)
4. I don’t think I’ve seen any other movies more than twice. Wait, no, I think I’ve seen The Matrix thrice. There we go: The Matrix.
Four people I'm tagging:
1. No one! I don’t impose my lifestyle on others, unlike some people.