Here's something to make you laugh. Today I was in my shed looking for something and I accidentally stepped on a rake and split my lip open. Totally Sideshow bob/foghorn leghorn style. Yep, an extremely dexterous moment.
** Shout out to Sheila for her Inspiration!!! HOLLA!** (wow, totally too yellow to pull that off)
1) I'm not a really picky eater however I only like some foods in certain contexts. For example, I will eat loose ground beef in tacos and chili but not in a bolognese sauce or the weird beef thing my mom makes for tofu.
2) Once on a snowy walk in Brownies my socks got wet and I had to walk home wearing plastic bags on my feet.
3) I was Baloo for two Hallowe'ens in a row because my parents got that costume made for me for figure skating (or else I would have worn an orangutan costume) and the bear costume was too expensive to wear once
4) I remembered the fact that steak can be not cooked through and hamburger has to be cooked through because the grinding of the meat allows the surface bacteria to be dispersed everywhere because my aunt and uncle asked my sister that once and praised her and praised her and I felt incredibly jealous
5) I used to write my sister's creative writing projects when she was in 5th-12th grade. The first story I remember writing for her was about an alien that was eating bed sheets. I am yet to figure out how her teacher didn't realise that a six year old wrote the story.
6) My sister used to colour in my art projects because I am yet to perfect the art of colouring in one direction.
7) I was given a second hand barbie colouring book and I coloured in the lips and added eyeshadow and blush and left the rest blank.
8) In grade school I used to write stories with cliff hanger endings because I would lose interest in writing.
9) In grade nine I only read two chapters of Cue for Treason and b.s'ed my way through the rest. I ended up with a 90 in that course.
10) I have a fused tooth that is both an incisor and a canine.
11) For grade eight graduation I was too small for normal dresses and too tall for children's dresses so I had to get my dress specially made.
12) I love chess but don't have the patience to learn the strategy
13) Little gestures can absolutely make my day. Once after a bad day I drew a raincloud in the margin of my notebook and without skipping a beat, Dave drew a little happy faced sun behind it. That was enough to change my mood
14) When coming home to Dryden, Bernie's house is the first indication that I'm home.
15) Once I was offered a spot in the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Summer Dance Course but I was too chicken too spend a summer away from home
16) A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton is the only song I can play on the piano from memory
17) I really really hate shoes. If I'm sitting down I will slip my shoes off and tuck my feet under me (indian style.) I also don't wear boots because they are hard to slip off.
18)All the sudden I have had this passion to bake and entertain.
19) Before my dad and I pick up the crab apples from the ground, we have a crab apple fight.
20)The smell of raw or cooking ground beef makes me gag
21) I hate being put into a "type" and if someone typifies me I will act completely different just to spite them
22) I had a six month span where I dressed really punky. Every time I try to do it again I just feel old.
23) If ther is nothing on TV I will automatically turn it to the Food Network
24) In grade school, I used to tell people that I was allergic to cheese so they wouldn't eat it around me
25) When it comes to cooking or baking things that don't require extremely precise measurements, I'll add stuff as i go.
26) When people make smartass comments to simple questions like "what's up" I want to punch them in the head.
27) I once told someone that I had the ebola virus and that she had to leave with a straight face. Sad thing is that she didn't get the hint.
28) When I listen to music I always want to dance. Sometimes I wish i could just start dancing down the street on the way home from school.
29) When I listen to music in my car driving somewhere sometimes I pretend like I'm in a music video.
30) I like doing things the hard way like making pound cake instead of buying it.
31) I like rotating the tires on my car. It makes me feel capable.
aaah shit i'm out... well I'll post more if I think of them.