heyyy, ohk im bored so im doing it for you Kevin haha today you come back yayyyys, tonight you hang out with Brad and what not and sunday you can steal mee, don't forget to call me today when you get home or even on your way home ;D byees <33
i don't kno y b/c i'm not taking anyone off, but i want to feel cool so i'm making my lj fiends only again. Although there might be just that one or two that gets the boot. We will see. Peace out nizzles.
Tonight was cool as shit. I chilled w/ f'n jon davis and lyz(i don't know ur last name, sorry...who by the way is cool as fuck and it was nice meeting you) and we went to the walk and saw a couple of kids there. We also went to coldstone and wal-mart. The night close, but it's all good b/c tomorrow should be straight up mad dope yo. Peace out.
Tonight be staright as hell yo lol. Yea, enough of that, well the show tonight was pretty cool and what not. The rest of the day was alright, my truck died tho :(. But, hopefully all goes well and i get my car back on monday(fingers crossed). Well that be all now, peace out.