I'm pretty sure we only post things on here because we know that that one person is going to eventually read it. It'd just be a whole hell of a lot easier to just come out and say things but we've got a yellow streak a mile long. Highway 9 gang for life.
I am of the opinion that the majority of people who post online have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. It is as funny as it is absurd. I'm not talking about places where opinions are expressed because who am I to really reduce an opinion to nothingness (online) but the rest of the stuff I read is just garbage lately. Social
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I've degraded so fucking much I can't even write a fucking post to state how fucked up this week's been. Both days of it. I'm so goddamn inarticulate and closed off now it disgusts me.
I had a lot of things I wanted to write down but at the last minute I hit the delete key. Figures. More brooding my friends. More secret plots. I hate fucking vision quests.