Crossing Star Trek: Into Darkness off of
my list.
I will say this at the beginning of this review and at the end, just to be certain that there will be no misunderstanding. This will be my impressions and my interpretations of the new Star Trek movie as a life long ST fan, someone who loved Trek before it was cool to love Trek. Although I do feel
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Comments 3
I think the whole Khan in the new plot twist thing clicked with me when it was Kirk that had to go in and fix the warp core, instead of Spock from the original movie. That was awesome.
Simon Pegg = underrated amazeballs.
Yes, there probably would have been an uproar. The uproar over white actors and actresses portraying Asians was not the only one from "CLOUD ATLAS". There was also an uproar over actors and actresses of African descent portraying Pacific Islander slaves in that film.
However, the casting of "Batch" wasn't my major problem with this film. The first 10-15 minutes and the last 20 minutes or so struck me as real problems.
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