Pics to Photo Meme

May 25, 2006 21:58

Sorry for all the blurry pics!

For gigi_of_ca, my closet:

And when you turn the corner, this is the rest of it:

For kate1125, my front door:

For drzwife, the most recent pic of Wilson and I was in Napa at the beginning of the month. Here we are, with Wilson looking truly dorky with all his camera equipment:

For 032506, some pics of my house. It's still really empty and completely devoid of any art. For some reason I convinced that once I get some real drapes and some artwork, it will feel more complete. But I'm sure there's always something you feel you need to make it more homey. Anyway, here are some views of my living room (notice the new recessed lighting we just added a couple months ago!):

Looking into the kitchen:

And our bedroom:

For stefanieas, a pic of me from Napa, but this time with my sunglasses off. (I'm the one of the right. My friend Yvonne is with my in the pic):

That's it! Let me know if you want to see more!

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