So... from San Francisco we travelled north till we got a little board with the long strait roads, and decided to go on a random route, and forund a really windy road thru the mountains to a little town called Lakeport
which we stayed the night in, and in the morning JackBear was jumping on the car wanting a photo!
there was a fantastic view of the lake at the back of the parking lot, so we wandered down there for more pics
and we found a few ducks
then we were on the road again, driving thru the californian pine forrest! which reminded me of a random x-files episode...
we went past the Welcome to Nevada sign and then the trees dropped away, we were in the desert.
this bit of road is 13.4 miles long...
i measured it from the top of this hill to the where i could see the road curve in the distance of this pic!
the romans would have been pround of that bit of road!!!!!!!!!!!
tehn we found what we were looking for, the Extraterrestrial Highway! YEA!!!!!!!!! here come the aliens!
but the only thing alien to the road was a few cows...
then i found the little town of Rachel - Nevada and a truly well decorated signpost! shiny!
we stopped off here at a little diner called the Little Ale Inn
the walls were covered in Alien stuff and pictures! FANTASTIC!!!!!!
Jack Looks at the aircraft...
then we had some thing to eat, JackBear decided for chips! mmmmmm! tastey!
tehn he found a few friends! but he has yet to establish which Planet they were from!
but they were a little carless as to where they parked thier ship and it was getting towed away.
so Jack interviened and got a free lift!
they are really hopefull about aliens arnt they!, well, the 21st centurey is when everything changes, and you gotta be ready!
then we waved goodbye to Rachel Nevada, and went inserch of Area 51
we had instructions to turn right at the Blackmail box, (which was now painted white)
then go along the dirt track till we found the warning signs, and under NO circumstances were we to go past the signs, or we would prob be shot!!!!!!!!!! by the dude in the grey van!!!
so along the road we go! in serch of the sign!
this is Groom Lake road (note the Joshua trees again!)
And finally the SIGN we were looking for!
and a sneeky pic of the grey van on the top of the hill!!! dude its the Men in Black!!!!!!!!!!!
then we legged it out of there as it was kinda creepy and we didnt wanna get shot, or arrested or worse, FINED $5000!!!!
the road is LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally we were back on the tarmac! wooooh hoooo!
and we saw a cool sign.. low flying aircraft! hehehhe! yup them aliens like to fly low!!!
the whole area seamed fixated on Aliens! (heheh FANTASTIC!)
then we went back to Vegas...
but thats another story!!!
San Francisco LA Grand Canyon Las Vegas Denver Roswell Dallas 2 Dallas 1 St Louis Indy Washington 2 Washington 1 New York 3 New York 2 New York 1 Toronto Niagra Falls