[Private to Shilo]
Police Chief Beckett was abducted last night and has been missing for over half a day. I have a note from her... I'm now in charge of administrative duties. With two potential killers and Beckett's disappearance, I doubt I'll be home any time soon.
I won't tell you not to leave the apartment, but be careful.
I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.
[/end filter]
For those who aren't aware--and for those who are--the City is experiencing a rash of violent crimes. The police force is spread thinner than usual. As such, everyone must take it upon himself or herself to remain safe. To this end, the following is recommended:
- Remain indoors with windows and doors secured when possible.
- When going outdoors, travel with friends and carry your network device or a phone.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Communicate with friends and family. Know where your people are.
- Stay calm.
Police escorts are currently in short supply; please do what you can to protect yourself.
Vigilantes are encouraged to leave the matter to the police. If you wish to help, please contact us in order to coordinate a plan. Police Chief Kate Beckett is currently unavailable. I can be reached
here if you find it necessary to establish communication with the force.
[Police Filter // Unhackable]
As you undoubtedly know, Beckett is missing. She has left me with temporary administrative control. I see no reason to elect a new chief at this moment--voice your opinion if you disagree--but the force can still function as it normally does. All officers, report to the heads of your departments. Department heads--remain in touch with each other and with me. With adequate communication and planning, I believe we can keep the force fully operational.
Beckett's disappearance may or may not be linked to the others. We have
an entry from her device that indicates an attack as well as a period of absence. Forensics is currently processing the items found at the scene, although preliminary results suggest that most if not all of the blood on the obstacle course belongs to Beckett. Bullets were found embedded in a wall adjacent to the obstacle course; these are also being processed. Beckett's network device is in police custody; private entries are being investigated.
Hidaka and Skelton have already secured the obstacle course. To my knowledge, on-site forensic investigations are drawing to a close and SA is sweeping the City.
If you are on-scene or searching the City for further information, be mindful of the other recent crimes. They may or may not be connected. When possible, stay in groups and regroup periodically. Department heads--keep track of your people. There's a chance that members of the police force are being targeted; if this is the case, we need to exercise caution.
Communicate as often as you can, but try to avoid communication via unsecured channels. If relevant information is found, make it common knowledge among the police as soon as possible.
For those of you in the field, remember to take occasional breaks to sleep and eat. Fatigue will be detrimental to your performance. I'm making arrangements for food to be delivered to the station. Please let your department leader (or, if your department leader has gone on break, their assistant) know when you will be leaving the field. We need to ensure our safety and we can't do that without coordination and communication.
Here is a brief list of what needs to be done at the station. Department heads can dole out tasks as they see fit.
- Produce a conclusive report on the blood found at the obstacle course.
- Continue inspecting bag and other items found at the scene for trace evidence.
- Determine origin of bullets. May be from Beckett's gun.
- Search Beckett's private entries for possible indications as to her current whereabouts.
If there are concerns or complaints about my assumption of duties normally left to Beckett, voice them. We're in no position to waste time deliberating or electing a temporary chief, but I will make adjustments as necessary. Should Beckett's absence prove to be prolonged, we can discuss a change of authority once disappearances, abductions, and murders are no longer our top priorities.
Thank you.
[/end filter]
[ooc: I think that covers everything? Bullets, etc approved by Eri. If I threw in something I shouldn't have or missed something, prod me. Messages are awesome. I'll add IC information to this post as things progress and try not to fail too badly!]