Rob, last night, came over for me to help him prepare for his final exam. At 2 am, we said our good-byes and he left, and then the thought hit me to go after him. I raced down the three flights of stairs only to find him gone, standing alone barefoot in the freshly fallen snow
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Comments 3
Artemisia absinthium is the latin term for wormwood. It is a herb that has hallucinogenic properties. It is used to form the drink Absinthe. Van Gogh, Poe and Baudelaire all drank it. In fact, (it is claimed) Van Gogh was under the influence of absinthe when he cut off his ear. The drink is illegal nowadays in most parts of the world.
Lavinia is the name of Shakespeare heroine in Titus Andronicus. She was raped and had her arms and tongue cut off.
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