Title: Christmas Shopping
Theme: Christmas
Pairing: Heechul/Ryeowook
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything
A/N: Spotlight!Verse. Yeah! I have my own universe..thing. XD
“Heechul! Stop! You’re hurting me!” Ryeowook exclaimed. Heechul stopped and looked at the smaller man with an annoyed face.
“What?! We don’t have time to stop. We have to do this, before Sungmin finds out we’re gone.” Heechul said. Ryeowook sighed and complied with the other’s wish. Happy that he got his way, Heechul resumed dragging Ryeowook around the mall looking for the perfect Christmas gift for their best friend or so Heechul said.
“If you’re looking for a Christmas present for Sungmin, why did you bring me and not Kyuhyun? Or Kibum?!” Ryeowook asked as he rubbed his wrist. Heechul began to pick up random things in the store they just entered and place it back on its stand with a distasteful look on his face
“Because Kyuhyun needs to distract Sungmin. You know how he gets if he knows I bail on decorating the place...again.” He answered as he picked up a pink picture frame with white bunnies on it. “And I need Kibum there to do my work for me.”
Ryeowook could only shake his head. If he didn’t know any better, Heechul hasn’t done his Christmas shopping yet. He was proven to be right when they came out of the stores they entered with a lot of shopping bags in hand, mostly in his. He was about to complain when they entered a music store. Heechul immediately busied himself checking out every row of CDs in the store and Ryeowook wandered, with shopping bags in hand, to the far back of the store. His eyes scanned that section till he found what he was looking for. Placing all of Heechul’s purchases around him, he picked a CD and sighed. He had been searching for that particular CD but since Heechul had suddenly dragged him out, he wasn’t able to bring his money. He was about to place the CD back when it was taken from his hands and saw Heechul going over to the cashier. Ryeowook couldn’t help but smile and picked everything up as he followed his friend.
Though he still wishes he wasn’t the one carrying the shopping bags.