i decided to do a 101 in 1001 challenge.
1. No seconds on meals. [Camp is exception.]
2. PIGGY BANK CHALLENGE. Save all change. Put in jar.
3. Lose at least 50 pounds.
4. Get a “Books You Should Read” list and read all of them.
5. Work at camp for the next two years.
6. Go to college.
7. Vacuum room once a week.
8. Be a vegetarian for at least six months.
9. Write at least one “old-fashioned” letter a month.
10. Carry camera at all times. Take photos where necessary.
11. Learn hemp jewelry again. This time: remember how.
12. Keep up with AGS friends.
13. Get my driver’s license.
14. Purchase a nice digital SLR camera.
- completed 2/14/2009
15. Start an event photography business.
16. Use my planner everyday, no matter how stressful it is.
17. Visit Myriam, wherever she may be.
18. Record my senior recital performance.
19. Save at least $100.
20. Complete my senior scrapbook.
21. Pay for a person’s lunch behind me at the drive-thru.
22. Abstain from fast food for six months.
23. Write a journal entry at least twice a month.
24. Make a book of Yehling family recipes to take with me.
25. Donate 100,000 grains of rice from freerice.com. [600]
26. Brush up my Spanish so that I can converse with Myriam.
27. Truly commit to Chinese to converse with Sophie.
28. Go to a music festival.
29. Take a camping trip twice a year. [0/4]
30. Participate in NaBloPoMo.
31. Find my birth father.
32. Visit 10 state parks.
33. Visit Kaela, wherever she may be.
34. Develop a fitness regimen.
35. Stick to that regimen.
36. Attend an opera at the Metropolitan Opera.
37. See a Broadway show at least three more times. [0/3]
38. Update Tumblr once a day. [4/1001] [missed mom's birthday]
39. Submit a PostSecret.
40. Watch all 100 of the TIME “Best 100 Movies.” [0/100]
41. Watch all 100 of AFC’s “100 Movies..100 Years.” [0/100]
42. Read at least 100 books.
- 1. The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides
- 2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce
- 3. The Awakening, Kate Chopin
43. Float the Buffalo River.
44. Write good-bye letters to the people I will miss most in high school.
45. Give blood at every time I am able.
46. Go on a road trip.
47. See a Mirah show.
48. Register to vote.
49. Buy a college photograph frame, fill it with the people I love, and take it to college.
50. Do the Midnight Madness Scavenger Hunt in Hot Springs.
51. Visit 20 museums. [0/20]
52. Visit 10 art galleries. [1/10]
- Art Institute of Chicago
53. Learn enough ASL to carry on a small conversation.
54. Abstain from Facebook for a week.
55. Go back to Eureka Springs, AR.
56. Hold an annual AGS mix-exchange. [1/3]
57. Read the Bible. [0/66]
58. Try cuisine from five countries.
59. Eat vegan for a month.
60. Do an overnight at Heifer Ranch.
61. Go to a state fair other than the Arkansas fair.
62. Open a savings account.
63. Do a 26 things project.
64. Stop biting my nails.
65. Create/send five surprise care packages. [0/5]
66. Become an organ donor.
67. Do not gain the “Freshman 15.”
68. Play Wii Fit at least twice a week.
69. Write a list of 15 things I dislike about myself and then promptly burn it to lay it to rest.
70. Buy seven cute bras. [0/7]
71. Put together a big puzzle.
72. Go to a worship center of a religion other than my own.
73. Meet 50 new people.
74. Go to three shows before I leave Arkansas. [0/3]
75. Throw a surprise party.
76. Read 20 plays. [0/20]
77. Buy a yoga DVD and follow it.
78. Take a bubble bath.
79. Make a list of things needed for college. Purchase.
80. Go Zorbing.
81. Go to a Renaissance Fair.
82. Become a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts.
83. Update Flickr at least twice a month.
84. Open an Etsy shop.
85. Buy a 1’ button maker and make buttons.
86. Post a Missed Connection on Craigslist.
87. Make a mix for each month. [0/33]
88. See a version of the Nutcracker every year.
89. Fall in love.
90. Go dumpster diving.
91. See at least a third Bob Dylan show.
92. Go on a date.
93. Write in paper journal at least three times a month.
94. Eat as a raw foodist for a week.
95. Attend SXSW.
96. Attend a film festival.
97. See at least two plays before I leave Arkansas. [0/2]
98. Go see Red River Gorge.
99. Send a Christmas letter from college.
100. Complete a full book of crosswords.
101. Write another list in 2011.