100 Things About Me

Sep 09, 2004 18:58

1. My name is Jason Samuel, I hate my name, everyone calls me Jay .

2. I was born in El Paso Texas.

3. I am a Scorpio .

4. I am an Army brat, and have lived in, Texas, Mexico, Virginia, Germany, Kansas, Missourri, New York, New Jersey, and have traveled to and through most of the Continental U.S.

5. I have a birthmark on my right hand, and above my ass.

6. My eyes change colors, sometimes more blue, sometimes more green, I have a "halo" around my pupils, right now they are a light light greenish yellow, a color I have not seen them before, although I do not normally stare at my eyes.

7. I prefer Fall and Winter over Spring and Summer.

8. My favorite teams respectively are; Washington Redskins, NY Yankees, NY Knicks, NJ Nets, Chicago Cubs, Rutgers Scarlet Knights.

9. I'm 5"11, one inch from being 6 foot, darnitt!

10. My nationalities are Sicilian, Polish, Cherokee Native American.

11. I now have a fear of flying, although I used to fly all the time as a child.

12. I am an only child, no I am not spoiled.

13. I did not have a happy nor healthy childhood or relationship with either of my parents.

14. When I was a child I had a Cocker Spaniel dog named Noodle, she got hit by a car when we left her at my Grandparents house =( , may she R.I.P. in doggie heaven.

15. I would love to have the spitting image of Xenos the house dog when I lived in my Fraternity, I loved that dog!

16. I have worn Polo Sport cologne for about 7 years, I am trying out Armani Mania, Romance, I cannot stand Curve cologne .

17. I have been to 12 schools( I used to believe it was higher), I went to 4 different high schools.

18. I'm very laid back, but very opinionated, I rarely get very angry but when I do it isn't pretty.

19. Once when I was a kid I dropped my favorite teddy bear in the toilet after I peed in it, I cried, but luckily the teddy bear was saved, it just had to be washed alot!

20. I go through phases where I draw and write constantly, then I will go through phases where I won't want to draw or write at all.

21. I am a movie freak and a movie snob, I usually don't like movies everyone seems to love or hype up.

22. I own over 700 dvd's.

23. I was once picked to read a poem I wrote in 7th grade in front of a large audience, however I did not read it because I pulled a muscle playing baseball and was unable to move for a few days.

24. I once had a "rat tail" .

25. My past "ideal" or fantasy professions included, Artist, Basketball Player, Actor, Film Critic .

26. I was a huge pot head when I was younger.

27. I used to sell drugs, I quit that like I quite smoking.

28. I never really smoked cigarettes, I only smoked them when I was drunk or after I smoked weed.

29. The first time I met one of my Uncle's he was doing Crystal Meth .

30. Currently I do not want to move from the NY/NJ area. It seems like everyone I know wants to move to Florida or California or Arizona. I don't think I would like to live anywhere the seasons do not change much and the leaves don't turn, and it doesn't snow.

31. I've done enough moving around in my short lifetime, I finally want to stay in one place, and finally have some stability.

32. I love Diet V8 Splash! and I think you should too!

33. Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving are my favorite holidays.

34. I love Candy canes and Candy corn and I now love Egg nog although I used to hate it.

35. I used to hate Pizza , once when I was a kid I was eating pizza and my mother left the room, and I opened the patio door and threw my pizza out the door. Needless to say when my mother came back only like a minute later she was surprised I ate my pizza and so quickly, unfortunately leaving the door slightly ajar was my downfall, and she saw the pizza I had thrown on the ground =(.

36. I used to think throwing up was the worst thing in the world, I would even come up with breathing techniques to control it and stop the feeling, then when I hit college and became a degenerate alcoholic I learned throwing up is your friend, and sometimes you have to "pull the trigger" to make yourself feel better.

37. I love to walk around naked whenever I get the chance.

38. I love the smell of lysol, probably due to the fact that as an Army brat I spent plenty of times in hotels, motels and the like before getting housing, and the smell of lysol was abundant.

39. I was a vegetarian for almost a year, I really don't like the taste of most meat, only when it has lots of sauce or spices, and I don't like steak at all =0 .

40. I have been told more than a couple times that I'll be a great Dad.

41. I have been told my "type" are blondes , I disagree. I find I am attracted to a variety of physical features, from one end of the spectrum to the exact opposite.

42. I am trying to become a better person, and Im trying to be more understanding and not be judgemental.

43. I have been trying to be pacifist although I have gotten into fights when I was younger.

44. My favorite food is Deviled Eggs! YUM!

45. My favorite color is Turquoise.

46. I don't have any tattoos or piercings, and I don't currently see myself getting any.

47. Personally I don't think people under the age of 25 should get married or have kids, I don't think they really know what they want or who they are yet, no matter what they think at the time. Who you are and what you want can change year to year. However I don't push my beliefs on anyone, and I try to be supportive because what else can you do.

48. I love 80's movies, music, tv shows.

49. I felt I had to grow up before I was ready, and I resent that .

50. I resent my father for never being around, and leaving me with my mentally ill mother who caused me a lifetime of psychological damage and abuse, yet I believe to be pretty well adjusted in spite of that.

51. Some of my Favorite movies are, Vanilla Sky, Citizen Kane, Psycho, Rear Window, On the Waterfront, Blow, Last of the Mohicans, City of God, Rebound, American History X, American Beauty, Field of Dreams, Snatch, Princess Bride, Leon, High Fidelity, Fight Club, Forest Gump.

52. I cried at the end of the movie Blow, and I still get goosebumps when I see Field of dreams, and I get all hyped up at the end up Last of the Mohicans in the mountain scene.

53. Some of my favorite sayings are; If everyone did an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind-Gandhi, If we cannot learn to live together as brother and sister then we will die as fools-M.L.K. Jr., The only constant is change, People change, love changes, and best friends become strangers.

54. After living with my best friend's family, then my Grandparents, then my fraternity house, I am now living at home with my parents.

55. My favorite tv show's are Friends, Wonder Years( I get teary eyed everytime I hear Joe Cocker sing "With a little help from my friends"), Twilight Zone

56. I used to be very creative to try to escape the abuse from my family life in form of many outlets, drawing, writing, sports and so forth, none of them made me forget the harsh reality for long.

57. My favorite number is 57.

58. Some of my first cd's I owned were Seal, Michael Jackson, Candlebox, Cranberries, REM.

59. Because of my lack of family life I would like to have a very loving and big family. Family is very important to me.

60. I consider myself a hopeless romantic. I still believe in unconditional love, but lately I wonder if it's just another fantasy movie ending.

61. I love Texas Hold em poker.

62. I once got my ass signed by over 40 girls .

63. I once broke a window by punching through it when I was drunk, I still swear I didn't hit it hard. I had glass in my fingers for a long time after that.

64. Apparently I am a very good kisser and have a nice ass.

65. I have been told I'm a very kinky person, although I don't really think of my interests as being kinky but just being natural for me. I always score off the charts and higher than everyone on those kinky quizzes.

66. I have super sensitive skin, and if I use a regular razor for shaving my face turns bright red, I usually use an electric one, even then it gets a little red. I usually take a hot shower after I shave to soothe my skin. I also have a super sesnitive stomach too, but I like spicy foods.

67. I enjoy handcuffs and blindfolds.

68. I hate the majority of the cartoons on cartoon network, and wish they would bring back the old lineups they had, with Thundercats, Snorks,Smurfs, Silverhawks, GI Joe, the old Birdman, Thundar and the likes.

69. I would say I am very sensual and sexual person.

70. I'm doing the best I can.

71. I tend to dwell on the past way too much, and I try not to but it's hard.

72. I used to always wear a rubber band on my left wrist.

73. I used to wear a candy necklace everyday I put a new one on.

74. I have a hemp anklet on my right ankle, I haven't taken it off in almost 4 years now, surprisingly it hasn't fallen off like my hemp necklace.

75. I want another hemp necklace exactly like my old one, but I can't seem to find it.

76. My favorite cereal is Frosted mini wheats with strawberry filling, I think they stopped making it a few years ago.

77. I love Cous Cous, Grits, Tiger Sauce, Ketchup, Oatmeal, Cereal, French toast.

78. My favorite fast food place is Taco bell even though it's so bad for you, it just tastes so good to me.

79. I once my broke a bone in my foot around Christmas time when I was a kid by kicking a wall, I was emulating Bruce Leroy from the movie Last Dragon and screaming LEEEROOOYY! This story always amused my best friend.

80. When I was like 16 I would tape porn over cartoon movies or movies like Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer, earlier this year I sold a ton of VHS tapes on ebay and I just remembered one of the tapes I am pretty sure had porn on it, it was Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. The lady never said anything to me about it.

81. I always take hot showers, even in the summer, I can't stand cold showers.

82. I love and miss playing manhunt .

83. I love taking pictures .

84. I wear a size 11 1/2 shoe size.

85. My screen name has nothing to do with the band Sublime,(although I do like them) it has to do with the literal term, and that life is Absolutely Sublime.

86. People on the internet freak me out, this is due to the fact that when I had aol I used to get at least 10 im's a day from people talking about sex or hooking up or giving me their phone numbers on the first im, most of them were girls from my school, I think people use the anonymity of the internet to act without recourse and I don't enjoy that and I have never done any of that to anyone else.

87. I enjoy taking walks around my neighborhood, and try to do it at least once a day or once every few days.

88. I love Soy milk, and Boca Burgers also made from Soy, and I used to make Soy Maple Tofu pie with my friend Lauren, I loved that too, and I miss doing that.

89. It seems like everytime I fix up one part of my life another part falls to pieces, I've been trying to pick up the pieces , bear with me.

90. I'd like to think I'm a nice guy with good intentions that does his best.

91. I have a heart murmur, Aortic Stanosis I believe. It is a narrowing of the Aortic valve , they noticed it a couple days after my birth.

92. My first memory was living in Germany and walking home from Pre School I believe and just walking and not really remembering where I lived but I kept going anyways.

93. I watch the News almost daily, it depresses and saddens me.

94. This year has probably been the most depressing year for me.

95. I love sugar free breath savers and sugar free Orbit gum.

96. My longest relationship was a little over 2 years.

97. I am Catholic, although I have not been to church in some time, I do not push my beliefs onto anyone, I think your beliefs are the foundation of who you are.

98. I like the rain, I always sleep better when it rains. I also enjoy kissing and playing basketball in the rain. One day I would like to sleep outside under a porch while it's raining .

99. I once remember seeing 8 shooting stars in one night, it was when me and a couple friends slept out behind a local school in the summer when I was either 16 or 17. That summer I recall seeing alot of shooting stars.

100. I think this journal is a good outlet and very therapeutic for me.

101. I have never had any cavities.

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