Hunger Games (the books, not movie) Thoughts and Ramblings

Mar 22, 2012 18:14

**It's been a couple weeks since I've finished the books and I totally lagged on posting this.  Luckily I had all this typed up and saved on Text here y'all go!**

Ladies and gentlemen, I have finished reading The Hunger Games trilogy.  Feel free to go through them whenever you have a minute or 30 lol.

Now that I've had the weekend and some days to simmer down a little from finishing it, here are my thoughts and disjointed ramblings. (I've just read this again and it's mostly my ramblings on Mockingjay because holy crap that book alone is stressful and intense that it makes me wonder why this is a young adult book lol).  I apologize in advance because my thoughts are all over the place :P

The ending....I didn't mind that she ended up with Peeta.  I knew they were endgame from the beginning (even if Katniss didn't know it then).  What they went through in the games connect them for life.  They are both so broken by the end that it was fitting; that they got to have a somewhat normal life together.....but everything felt like it was...rushed -___-

And then BAM, the epilogue?  Damn.  Don't get me was sweet but at the same time....haunting and bittersweet.  After the initial "WHOA" factor of just having finished these books and everything sank in, my heart was heavy.

What happened to Gale??  The bff/childhood pal/hunting partner who always has her back/potential love interest? (to be honest I was semi-rooting for Gale.  Perhaps it was the underdog shipper in me, but most of the time I was torn).  I was disappointed that he just disappeared (as far as we know) and neither of them even tried.  I would've loved for Gale to have a fighting chance, or at least them staying friends.  But, I guess, considering the circumstances of the war and how it changes people, how it made Gale a "darker" character, how Katniss can't disassociate Gale with the bomb that killed Prim, was just too hard for her.  There was no closure besides him working in District 2, probably kissing another pair of lips.  I guess it was inevitable, but the demise of their friendship makes me very sad.

Speaking of Prim....OMG I didn't see her death coming and to have Katniss SEE it...and the part where she starts yelling at Buttercup...ugh...losing Prim was heart wrenching :((((((((((((((

Finnick's death was sad too; Strange bits of happiness, like the photo of Finnick and Annie's newborn son.  :(((((((((

I enjoyed the character of Katniss; for all her epicness and all her flaws...loved how she was so badass in the first two books then do a complete 180 in Mockingjay.  A 17 year old girl who went through SO. MUCH. shit that started with her volunteering for her little sister only to lose her anyway at the end....damn.

There were some Katniss/Peeta moments that I loved, particularly when they start the "Real or not real" game in that shop's basement and Peeta end's up saying "I'm so tired, Katniss." was just...damn.  And the whole bit where they have just escaped the mutts in the tunnels, Katniss kisses Peeta and says "Don't let him take you from me"...."stay with me"...and Peeta says "Always"...very sweet.  Hijacked!Peeta made me sad :(

And yes, the last few sentences before the epilogue got to me too:  "You love me. Real or not real?"....."Real".

I loved how Katniss started singing when she was locked up.  It was kind of...uplifting in such a sad and depressing scene; like she really became the Mockingjay she's suppose to be and just like how her father used to sing and teach her songs.

I loved Cinna and Haymitch and Madge and Finnick and Rue and Johanna.

Snow was a very very VERY bad guy.  He made a very very VERY good bad guy.  Same thing with Coin; bad...very VERY bad.

I liked how the last book was brutal and how Collins didn't shy away from the effects war has, as heartbreaking as all the sacrifices, losses, the atrocities and deaths were.  Because how else is war supposed to be?  It wouldn't be realistic if it was all flowers and candy and fluff and happily ever afters.  I'm glad she didn't sugar coat it.

So, despite all the things that were upsetting, I really enjoyed these books.  It was real, it was tragic, it was moving.  It kept me on the edge of my seat most of the time and I don't think I've gone through a series of books this fast (granted these books are quick reads lol).  Yes, it broke my heart AND my head at the end, but overall I loved it.

And I'm pretty sure I've forgotten other stuff I wanted to address...oh well.

the hunger games

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