So, uh... long time, no anything. Here, have some lists:
25 Thoughts Now That I Am 25:
1. I feel I can no longer deny that I am an adult.
2. I also feel I will best come to terms with adulthood by completing my responsibilities while maintaining a witty patter of frivolity.
3. As an adult, I have many shocking and new outlooks on life. NPR has become interesting.
4. Robert Downey Jr. has become physically appealing.
5. I participate in conversations on weddings, mortgages, and procreation, beyond the purely theoretical existence of said topics.
6. On the other hand, I still enjoy children's media and eat box macaroni and cheese for dinner.
7. I suppose some things are just fundamental to my personality.
8. Goodness, what does one do with the next fifty years of one's life?
9. Let's list some things I've learned this year: I've learned that psychopharmacology is not a sham.
10. I've learned how to take full advantage of my health insurance.
11. I've learned how to kayak!
12. I've learned that the best way for me to teach is to give the students one key concept a day, and then sit back and let them do with it as they will.
13. And that if what they want to do is shrug their shoulders and forget it, then that is okay.
14. I've learned how to articulate my thoughts on literature and writing.
15. Though I learned those articulations so that I could better disagree with my professors.
16. My professors may not have enjoyed this particular growth of my character.
17. God. The older I get the more entries I have to come up with.
18. You might have thought that would occur to me earlier in life.
19. And yet.
20. What other thoughts can I have?
21. Here's one: I'm really, really ready to have my live-in boyfriend again.
22. I can only see the vaguest of outlines for my next five years. Leave Oregon, write, marry James.
23. Smaller things (what kind of couches do I like? Buy or rent?) are completely beyond me.
24. Since I left college I have felt like I was supposed to have some kind of maturity, as an adult, or some kind of wisdom, that an eighteen-year-old would not have. I never felt that I did, though.
25. Now I do.
1. Publish!
2. Graduate from my MFA program.
3. Move in with my boyfriend.
4. Adopt a kitten.
5. Kayak again (it was really fun the first time).
6. Learn to ride a horse (or the first step of riding a horse, anyway).
7. Stay in a yurt on the coast (plans to do this: already in motion).
8. See a dentist, preferably before my teeth start falling out/turning green/forming separationist colonies on my tongue.
9. Stop teaching.
10. Rehabilitate my sleep schedule to get away from the sleep habits I still have from when I was depressed.
11. Make a scrapbook of Oregon-era photos, tickets, cards, etc.
12. Frame the color announcement of my reading.
13. Find a method of regular physical activity I do not detest.
14. Learn to make smoothies.
15. Play piano more (already have some music to try. Next step: stop drying towels on the piano stool).
16. Visit a state park.
17. Go to a museum of some kind (I do this, but very rarely).
18. Take more photos.
19. I lied. I can't think of anymore. And I've already stared at this too long. Waaaaaay too long.
Ta-da! I'm old.