Technically, any MBTI can go with any Enneagram number, since Enneagram is looking primarily at motive and underlying beliefs, whereas MBTI examines behaviours and preferences in action.
"...This caught my attention because of the user who posted and was an ENTP and 2wsomething. I figured that all NT types would fall under 4,5 or 6 since that's the "intellectual" personality or whatever
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I'm an ENFP, and can getting anything from a 2 with even wings, to a 3w2, a 1w2, a 4w3 or even a 7 in enneagram. I just the Enneagram rather limiting (if interesting) - it doesn't seem to allow for much variation in one's motivations. I mean, I possess elements of all those types!
My E preference is probably my most obvious personality trait upon first meeting me, so I doubt I'm INFP (although one of my best friends is one, and I think they're great ;)). It's my P that's weak, but I'm nowhere near selfless enough (and far too generally enthused) to be ENFJ.
I'm too controlled and non-hedonistic to be a 7, despite my need to experience and be in the centre of everything.
I consistantly test 8W7 and 8W9. I'm XNTP. i'm not as in to money as the enegram suggests, but I am decisive, agressive, and pleasure seeking. All "8" traits. I am also highly concerned with ethics and spirituality, something not reflected in my engram type.
Comments 14
Technically, any MBTI can go with any Enneagram number, since Enneagram is looking primarily at motive and underlying beliefs, whereas MBTI examines behaviours and preferences in action.
I'm too controlled and non-hedonistic to be a 7, despite my need to experience and be in the centre of everything.
And INFP's so Rock!. :)
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