I am sure this has popped up in a post before but here I go. Anyone feel that we are moving into a Brave New World Society faster than we should be? Or that over reliance on technology has handicapped us as potential thinkers and scholars? I've people watched and have seen stupidity and a lack in common knowledge that I am becoming rather fearful
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This is nonsense, but it does lend to a loose sort of narrative. It tells a story. This story will be different to everybody that reads it. I would just like to hear that story, relative to every individual. If you've got the time at some point, and want a nice, little project to mess with and get your creativity flowing, take a stab at this. Read
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That was the sentence I heard a vicar say whilst listening to the local radio station on the morning of Sunday 26th...of course, this prompted me to call in with my question, 'how do you define a bad religion?' Unfortunately, it didn't get put through as there wasn't much time left. Seriously though, what does define a bad religion; in all honesty
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Everyone (of all genders) is invited to participate in Theano's Day, an event to celebrate and rediscover women's contributions to philosophy throughout the centuries
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x-posted to /r/philosophyI was wondering about what’s wrong with philosophers of today, when it struck me what an interesting topic that is. The philosophers of then, now, back at the beginning… We often say that some things are ahead of their time. So rare is it, though. So much is a product of its time. This got me wondering, “What if Socrates
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From the perspectives of conventional thought, man is held to certain standards, certain expectations, certain requirements and obligations .... We are all the unfortunate victims of this brutal system of mass indoctrination. Walking zombies doing what we are told and believing what we are taught. There is no space for flexibility and time for real
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