Well guys....I'm back! And I honestly have to say I'm pissed about that. I wish I could stay at Grad Bash FOREVER!!!!! So many hott guys so little time! I swear I've never seen so many hott guys in one place....shame none of them go to my school. Well, the park opened for us at 7:30, so if you paid for the pre-party you got to eat and go clubbing at the clubs on City Walk. Well my brother and our friend didn't want to go in and dance but I really wanted to so I met up with some other people that went to my school with me and we went in while my brother and friend talked outside, waiting for me. Well, I danced one dance with a guy "friend" (we're not that close) and then he left because it was way too crowded. Well soon enough it was only me and another "friend" (not close all the same) and we were dancing together. I'm sure it looked sort of odd because we were both girls but what the hell? No guy? Dance with your friends! Anyway, I think it was during "Tipsy" I felt some guy bumb into me and didn't think anything of it until I felt his body against my ass! Some random guy started grinding with me! I didn't turn around or anything but by the look on my friend's face he was hott! He didn't like grab my waist or anything but I could sure feel him on me! After the song was over he left and I kept on dancing and then soon enough I felt another guy! A different guy! Then he left and then I felt someone's ass on mine....I turned around and it was another guy rubbing his ass on me. At first I thought it might be that he's dancing with someone in front of him but I kept feeling his butt on mine and figured he was dancing with me because it wasn't so stuffy anymore so he could've had enough room not to rub butts with me. Anywho! Then when the park opened we went straight towards The Incredible Hulk Coster and waited an hour to get on! Not too bad....except for the people skipping. It's sad because most of them got in trouble because there were security guards dressed up as seniors walking around and if they saw you skip or steal something you were caught and you would've never figured it out! After that we went straight to Duling Dragons because these two rides closed at 11. Duling Dragons was only a 30 minute wait which I wish would've been longer....why do you ask? Well I shall explain.....the SEVEN....count them SEVEN hotties behind me! These seven Ambrocomie and Fitch guys all standing there looking incredibly hott rapping! It was so funny! Every once in a while you could hear one of them scream "YEAH" (you know in that way that is like where the "ah" part has sort of an accent....yea) and then another one would start rapping something. Funny coming from A&F guys. Anyway, my friend and I kept turning around along with my brother and our other friend. Two of the guys kept looking up at me and my friend (the one that wasn't with my brother) and smiling. Finally, the one I thought was the cuttest....well next to his friend....it was a tie, was like 'So, what school are you guys from?' I about died! A hottie.....talking to me?! OMG! Anyway I smiled and said 'Sebastian River'. His friend looked at me and was like 'You guys have great music don't you?' I smiled even more and nodded. 'Yup, our band went to Midwest.' I said and he nodded and looked at his friends. 'That's the school with the great band program!' He said. I smiled even more and asked them where they were from.....Ft. Lauderdale! I didn't even get the name of their school before we had to chose if we wanted to go on to the fire or ice dragon! They went to fire and we went to ice..... I never got to see them again! ::::sniff sniff:::: Hopefully I'll see one of them again.....in college....or wait!....maybe ALL of them! Anyway, that was my night.....oh yes.....one more thing.....I tried finding them for the rest of the night.....that was my goal.....and at times I thought I heard them just because I head "YEAH" being screamed out....::::sighs::::.....it was never them.....I'm in love with being boycrazy....is that a crime? LOL
bye bye bye