Hey, it's me dopple

Apr 10, 2006 09:20

My account has been deleted by the LJ·Abuse Team.

Dear LiveJournal user dopple,

We have recently become aware that your LiveJournal account has been
used to make a number of identical or substantially identical
unwanted comments or entries in others' journals. This qualifies as
spam, and is a violation of LiveJournal's Terms of Service. As you
have been warned in the past that such actions are in violation of
the Terms of Service, your account has been suspended. This
suspension is permanent and non-negotiable.

This email serves as a warning that any further reports of this
behavior will result in the permanent suspension of all LiveJournal
accounts found to belong to you. This email is being sent to you as a
courtesy, in order to inform you of LiveJournal's spam policies.
LiveJournal does not permit spam, and does not tolerate it when it is
reported to us.

LiveJournal has a semi-automated process for reporting spam. That
process involves individual journal owners and community maintainers
deleting unwanted posts and specifically marking them as spam. You
have received this warning because multiple journal owners or
community maintainers have reported your posts as spam and, after
review, the posts were determined to indeed constitute spam.

Please see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=197
if you have any questions about LiveJournal's policies regarding
spam, commercial activity, or community promotions. This FAQ also
contains instructions on how to file an Abuse query if you need any

LiveJournal.com Team

My thought is that they're referring to my membership in
We·are·Borg where it was policy to make a comment in the journals we "assimilated" and that was reported to the LJ·Abuse Team. They made a notice, all us "borg" in that community complied and that was that.

This was over a year ago and I've certainly not been continuing in that behavior.

With my account gone I can no longer moderate my communities and the custom mood themes I made are all erased; background and other things connected to my account are equally defunct. All of my ID·tags will also not work anymore.

I've petitioned them about this, and will continue to do so till I get my account back. Although, if you read the official blurb, they're all big on my account being completely and totally gone permanently. Along with that, the most confusing part to me, is that all posts I've made to all communities have also been deleted. That really disturbs me because I know that other accounts when they're suspended their posts remain in whatever comms they've posted to.

Anyways, I'm giving you the heads up because a good number of you were on the friendslist of my actual journal and there's really no other way for me to get the word to you. I'm going to post this to each of my comms, through sockpuppets because that's all the accounts I've got left.

I am beyond pissed off!

9:46 PM 4/9/06 · Okay, it's about an hour after I wrote the above and I'm adding this because the LJ·Abuse Team got back to me and told me what's what. Apparently there are saying I spammed someone via X·posting to
Meme·Express. The fact that I've not made posts to that comm since late March, or x·posted anything from there for even longer doesn't seem to be the concern...just that they got a complaint about on the 7th of this month. In the first place, X·posting isn't spam and I never just do it with my own comms listed when I x·post to places other than my own communities.

Still pissed...and kinda insulted. It's like everything that I've posted over the last few years didn't matter. Given that I've no life most of the time I've practically poured my soul into this place; I still get comments from stuff I put up years ago by people that just found them and were impressed or intrigued enough to get back to me on them. Not that this will be something I can enjoy anymore; they not only nuked my journal but every post and comment I made anywhere in any community or friends' journal.

At the very least, since my journal was paid through till March 2007, I should get a refund.

Yeah, like that makes up for anything!

If you'd like to get my back on this, lend your words here: Click me!

seeya around: dopple
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