I'm doing this on behalf of a friend of mine. She has written most of this up for me and I've edited it. I'm using a sock account for my own safety but it's likely I'll get suspended if they're really just trying to cover this up.
I'm sorry if this is tl;dr.
Sometime last year my friend received a community from someone. Recently she wanted to change that community into a personal journal which LJ Support do for people. She's also asked for them to do this with an account before only months ago with no problem.
On the 13th of June she opens a support request to ask them to do this.
On the 14th the request is moved to abuse, she finds this odd and makes a reply asking why it was moved to abuse.
On the 19th the journal she opened the request with, the community she wanted to be changed and most of her usernames are suspended and she receives this response:
Dear LiveJournal user [name removed],
We will not convert this community to a personal account, for reasons of which you are well aware. Additionally, you are also aware that due to your history of compromising accounts, you are not welcome on the LiveJournal service. As such, your account and all accounts associated with this account have been permanently suspended.
LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team
Strange, since she's been on LJ since it started and has had an active journal for 5 years, has opened countless support request even a few recently and this never came up. Her information has not changed recently.
So she asks them to explain, saying she was never previously terminated and gets yet another vague reply:
Dear [name removed],
You were previously terminated from the LiveJournal service due to multiple instances of compromising accounts and selling the usernames. You are no longer welcome to maintain any accounts on the LiveJournal service, and any accounts that are linked to you, regardless of whether or not you currently control them, will be suspended immediately.
LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team
She is now certain that they've got her mixed up with someone and states this in the request, also adding that she has opened request recently and it never got moved to abuse. The request is left open with no response.
Later she gets an email from someone she gave an account to asking about it, and that LJ Abuse said that this account was compromised. So my friend, thinking they suspended her because of an assumption emailed them from the first validated email on the account.
They wouldn't accept this, because the original email on the account was deleted when my friend no longer had access to it. Basically they were telling her to email them from an email she no longer had access to which she deleted from the account for her own safety and she had to prove with onsite information that it was in her control since 2000 to 2007, how can she do that when there's no on site info to show this? LiveJournal allows you to delete emails after six months, but it basically bites you in the rear if they decide you hijacked the account.
After a lot of discussion a username came up claiming it was tied to the most prolific account comp-er on LJ, a username my friend has never even touched, and she told them this, and they asked her for some information.
-Her longest used account (to establish her ID as different from the comp-er)
-Email addresses which she currently owns accounts on (to know which accounts to recognize as hers)
-Username of the person she gave the account to to differentiate them from each other as well as the date of transfer.
-And if the trade was done on LJ, when and where.
On the 23rd of June she gave them this information and received the following response on the 24th:
Thank you for this additional information. It may take a day or more to investigate, and we will respond to your request as soon as we are able.
5 days later on the 29th she asked them if they'd had a chance to investigate. No response.
She then asked them again on the 1st of July, still no response, yet the request remained open.
Then she asked again on the 6th of July and still no response, and the request still remains open as does the one they originally suspended her on.
On the 7th she opened another request asking for an update, thinking they may have just forgotten her request. They marked this request as "answered" and left it open and gave her no response.
My question (and most certainly hers) is why ask for information, and then completely ignore the person? If they are still investigating (which at this point, none of us believe they even looked at the information) why can't they simply say "We are still looking into it."? It would have took the same amount of time as changing the request to "answered".
It seems to us that she was suspended by mistake, they've realized what a balls up they've made, that the asking of information was a bluff thinking she wouldn't be able to provide it and now they're just ignoring her in hopes she will forget about it. However this post wasn't made to change their minds, to get a response or whatever, since we both know LJ are refusing to answer her, but simply to complain about their lack of response when they said it would take a day or more and never bothered to get back to her as well as the unprofessional (and almost troll like) replies she received in her first request.
We also did our own investigating, we know who this prolific account comper is, and LJ suspended other accounts believing they were tied to her, however because they were paid accounts they were unsuspended a day later after just receiving an IP address from the owners, a lot less info than what my friend gave. So if they truly are still investigating why is it taking so much longer than this "paid user" hmmm?