Age: 35
Height: Guesing about 5'7"ish?
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown/Black
Physical traits: Has the Umeda Family genes, making her look absurdly young and beautiful~
Medical Info: Healthy! Smokes fairly regularly, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything! Irritating her or talking about her age might get you beaten on and/or yelled at, but it's all cool! (as long as you don't mind getting hit, see below.)
Abilities: Very physically fit! She can beat on people without so much as breaking a nail (given, they aren't usually fighting back...) but she isn't unnaturally strong or talented or anything.
Notes for the Psychics: Normal human! Mostly her head's full of thoughts about her family and whatever is going on in her life at the moment.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Just ask first, and I'm sure we can plan something out!
Maim/Murder/Death: I'd really prefer no killing or maiming... But as always, if something comes up, let's talk.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Generally okay! Can't say she won't beat you for any unwanted physical contact, but~♥
Cooking: Io is an AWESOME COOK. She manages an Inn/Bed and Breakfast thing during the summer, and does all the cooking for the guests, and they adore it.
Io can be kind of really violent. She kicks people, beats people up, and physically threatens family members (okay so pretty much just Umeda) regularly. She's not going to be able to maim you or anything, by any means, but she still packs a punch.
SO IF YOU DON'T MIND BEING HIT/KICKED/ETC, let me know here please? Especially if you play a character who's likely to irritate her into hitting them. ♥