My Favorite TV shows from 2009.
Posted as a Challenge from
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Modern Family.
One of my favorite new shows. I never was really interested in watching it, But saw the pilot and loved it, and the show is great .Phil Dunphy is the greatest.
Best Episode : The pilot, Undeck the halls
Best Quote: Phil: We raised our kids right. One of them will come forward, or the other two will rat them out.
Glee is another of my new favorite shows and another one i was never really interested in seeing. I watched 5 seconds of it and was hooked.
Best Episode :Sectionals,Preggers
Best Quote:Kurt: My body is like a rum chocolate souffle. If I don't warm it up right, it doesn't rise.
Probably One of my all time favorite shows, and the ending to season 8 was EPIC. I know the shows still going but this will always be the ending to me.
Best Episode : My Finale Part 1& 2
Best Quote : JD: And who’s to say this isn’t what happens? Who can tell me that my fantasies won’t come true… just this once?
Cougar Town.
My favorite new show of the 2009 season. It just keeps getting better every week. The show also has an Amazing cast.
Best Episode: Here comes my Girl
Best Quote : Travis: I'm about to bring Kylie in so I need you all to act like normal human beings. I know it's going to be hard but I can help. Mrs. Torres, Kylie doesn't have an eating disorder, she runs cross country, so think of a new opening question. Mr. Torres, I don't care how much you eat, let's keep our pants buttoned. Laurie, your breasts are bigger than hers. There I said it, you don't need to tell her. Neighbor guy, I see you brought your fruity little guitar, let's keep that holstered. Mom, you have multiple problem areas so when it doubt just say to yourself that's a bad idea. Dad, I think we both know it's best if you don't say anything.
After reading all 9 books i'm so obsessed with the Sookie world, Mostly Eric . Season 2 was just amazing.I can't wait for season 3 and to see what new characters and stories from the books will be added . And Hopefully we will see less Bill and More Eric :D
Best episode : 2x09 I Will Rise Up
Best Quotes:
Bill : [to Sookie as she helps Eric] What are you doing?
Sookie : [spitting out a bullet] I sucked silver out of Eric's chest to save his life, even though I really didn't want to.
Eric: ...She was superb.
Bill : Eric was in no danger.
Sookie: W-what?
Eric: A tiny falsehood.
Bill : He was already healing. The bullets would've pushed themselves out. This way he's... forced you to drink his blood.
Sookie: No! No! No!
[getting to her feet]
Bill: You're connected. He'll be able to sense your emotions.
Sookie :: [to Eric] You big lying a-hole.
Eric: Bill, I think you're right. I think I can sense her emotions... sweet.
Sookie: [to Eric] I'll never do anything for you again! Monster!
Bill : [to Sookie] It's not your fault.
Eric: I think I'm gonna cry.
Sookie:There's love in you.
Eric : Only for Sookie.