Title: Cat and Mouse
Fandom: Alice in the Country of Hearts
Pairing: Boris Airay/Pierce Villiers
Theme: Change
Rating: PG
Words: 369
Warnings: Implied other pairings (questionable.)
Notes: I... don't think this is quite what people thought of for the pairing.
Pierce had been lonely, but he always hid it under a façade, smiling as if he didn’t have a care in the world. That’s why he was startled when Boris had shown an interest in him, and he couldn’t help but run from the sudden attention.
When Boris cornered him the next day, a predatory grin on his face, Pierce was terrified and fled when the opportunity presented itself. It was like this for days on end, with Pierce bolting from Boris when he could.
However, he couldn’t help but feel angry when he saw Boris with that new girl, Alice, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it would be nice if Boris looked at him like that, like someone he loved instead of an interesting play thing.
“You know, you don’t know everything,” Alice told him one day, a smile on her face. He couldn’t have hated her more than he did in that instant. To look at him like that, as if she knew him better than he knew himself, made the anger well in him, but he just smiled in response.
“Of course I don’t. No one does~” With that, he left, hoping to avoid her. Pierce didn’t like her like the others did-she was an anomaly, but she was still human like the rest of them.
“Pierce, I finally caught you,” Boris said as he wrapped his arms around the boy.
Fighting back the blush that threatened to engulf his face, he asked, “Why aren’t you with Alice?”
“Jealous, are we~?” Boris responded, making a pleased sound as Pierce flushed, horrified that he had said that out loud.
“No! I’m just asking why you’re not spending time with her!” The denial made him calm some, but it didn’t stop his heart from pounding or lessen him embarrassed.
“What if I said I wasn’t with her~?” Boris’ grin made Pierce feel even more embarrassed for a reason that he didn’t understand.
“I-I don’t-” Pierce stopped when he felt Boris chuckled (and he couldn’t figure out how that happened.)
“She helped me to make you jealous~”
Before he could argue, he found himself kissing Boris (and that he couldn’t complain in the end either.)