Oct 14, 2014 17:14

So I'm not really part of Marvel fandom and really not at all familiar with the comics. But I just read a spoiler for the next movie and I'm confused.

It says that they're doing the "civil war" storyline, which essentially involves confrontation over the government wanting all superheroes to register with them and be willing to serve as a governmental police force and that Steve Rogers is against it because of the threat to civil liberties but Tony Stark supports it.

And, okay, X-Men does that plot too but it's a pretty solid way to create angst and analogies between sci-fi and the real world, sure. And I can buy Steve Rogers being against it (although, depending on who supports it and how it's framed I can also see him supporting it). What I can't see is Tony Stark being remotely supportive of this idea. Especially the Tony Stark we've seen in the three Iron Man movies. I'm confused.

I guess I'll have to wait for the movie. And fail to see it like I fail to see every movie that comes to theater (see Cap2 and Guardians of the Galaxy).

Also, I really really really want to rewatch Iron Man 3. Dear Netflix: PLEASE!

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