I'm most certainly not as cute as a Cheagle! D8(

Mar 15, 2009 15:40

First of all, a lot of people who are / used to be important to me (my dad, my ex-girlfriend, etc...) told / tell me that I'm a worthless piece of shit that deserves to die. That affects my thinking style and... yeah, sorry about that. :/

The Basics
Name/Nickname: Luke. If you're wondering, I had a fangirl moment on Luke around August last year, and made "Luke" my MSN screenname, and it's stuck ever since. Several people call me Luke now, and some even do it in real life.
Gender: Physically female, mentally male.
Age: 14, almost 15.
Likes: Anime, video games, writing, sadism, not having a life, raging against society.
Dislikes: People in general, the concept of life, stupidity, people who think they're the best thing in the world, people who try to help me but don't even understand me.
Goals: None. I can't really think ahead more than one year.
Fears: Being terrible at something, being too good at something, being normal, not being normal. (Hypocritical, isn't it? >_>;)
Talents: Sometimes people tell me I'm good at writing, but I severely disagree.
Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, writing.
Strong points: I'm not very good at anything... :/
Weak points: Everything about me is my weak point.

The Attitude
Mature or Immature: People tell me that I'm mature. Despite being 14, people tell me I act like i'm 16 or 17.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy, but not in the definition of the word. I don't talk to people or get involved in things because I find them to be a waste of time.
Calm or Energetic: Calm, I guess.
Brains or Brawn: I honestly don't have either, though I suppose I'm more brawny than brainy (especially since people are really off-guard if I hit them because I'm stronger than I should be for my size).
Controlled or Impulsive: It depends on the circumstances. I'm really a mix of both, but I lean more to impulsive.
Determined or Passive: Determined.
Ignorant or Informed: Informed. People think I ignore everything I hear, but I actually listen closely on everyone's conversations because no one ever bothers to talk to me.
Patient or Impatient: I guess I'm sort of impatient, but I can be patient if need be.
Compassionate or Just: Just. Sometimes people tell me I have no mercy.
Confident or Modest: Modest. After years of my dad telling me I'm a worthless idiot, it's what I tell everyone else.

The Questions
Let's pretend you are Luke (for this and the next question) and have lived exactly like him for the past seven years in the Fabre mansion and than suddenly one day a "mysterious intruder" attacks your mentor. You block her attack and than wake up in the middle of no where, halfway across the world . What would your first reaction be?
I can tell you that if that happened to me, I'd probably kill Tear right when I woke up, just out of anger.
Then again this question is implying you're supposed to think and act exactly like Luke so I see no point in it being open-ended.

A month later you finally get home. Though it doesn't feel much like home to you; it feels like anywhere else you've been. If this were you right this moment, how would you describe the feeling of your home not feeling like one?
I'd describe it the same way I describe everywhere. I know exactly how it feels- my house isn't home to me even though I've lived here for 14 years.
And again, this question isn't necessarily open-ended.

If you were Tear after she promised to return Luke home, how would you deal with/act towards the boy most of the time once you got to know him?
I'd probably just desert him after a day, to be honest. As much as I love the guy I don't think I could stand to be around him. :/
And once again, not really open-ended.

If you were Ion before the start of game, trapped in the church, like a pet and only there to serve as a figurehead to the Order of Lorelei, what would you do daily if you only had the choice of doing one thing?
I'd probably put up with it the same way I put up with my daily life as it is- hating it but going along.
Again, not necessarily open-ended.

If your life could save millions of others, would you give it up?
Yes, every single one of those people are more important than I am or will ever be, and they're all probably better than I am. I deserve to die more than the worst one of those people do.

If you found out you weren't really the you you were raised and thought to be, how would you react?
I'd think I was even more worthless than I already am, if that's even possible.

If your life was running out, what last things would you like to do before your went?
Nothing. I probably deserve to die without doing anything worth anything anyway.

Last Question! If you had the choice, would you live by the score to live easily or destroy the score to live freely?
Um, neither. I wouldn't choose to live at all knowing that my pathetic life was scripted. I'd probably be pissed that someone would even write down that I would even exist in all my idiotic-ness.

stamped: sync

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