I can't think of anything to say 'bout Cheagles..

May 28, 2009 20:13

The Basics
Name/Nickname: Dynamo
Gender: female
Age: 18
Likes: video games, anime & manga, history, demonology, music, street fashion, sewing, literature, Victorian horror, attention..
Dislikes: Garlic, deadlines, stupid humor(except the jokes in 80's cartoons like Transformers and Turtles, they're so bad they amuse me), bad grammar, losing, having no money, people going "oh, so you have ADHD? I think I may have it, too. I find it hard to concentrate at school blah blah blah!"..
Goals: I want to be a fashion designer or a reporter.
Fears: Loneliness, being abandoned, failure. Also, flying insects. I run away screaming when I see a fly(you never know, it might be a bee!)..
Talents: fashion designing, cosplaying, drawing, rhyming(...), hmm.. debating?
Hobbies: Drawing, cosplay, air rifle shooting.
Strong points: I'm quite witty(especially when it comes to sarcasm/irony/etc), open-minded and polite(when I want to be. heh.).. Pretty easy-going for the most part, and I cheer up easily. I also forgive people easily. I'm verbally talented, and I'm a natural performer.
Weak points: I act/speak before I think(which sometimes often makes me come off as bit of an idiot..), I'm hotheaded, my sense of humor tends to be a bit too much on the mocking or eccentric side, and.. I admit it, I'm kind of vain. And arrogant. And I have a bit of an elitistic attitude(not related to having a lot of money.. Which I totally don't have. :'D). Despite all this, I tend to put others' needs before my own, which isn't always a good thing.

The Attitude
Mature or Immature: A bit of both, actually. My way of thinking is mature, but I act more immature..
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Well, I was a total pessimist a few years back. But nowadays I'm more optimistic. Even though I tend to whine a lot, I have the strange tendency to suddenly get all cheered up for the smallest reasons.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing. Not shy at all, but I may act a little distant at times, especially towards people I don't feel very close to(my claasmates, for example).
Calm or Energetic: Energetic. I should really learn to calm down a bit. v_v'
Brains or Brawn: Brains. Absolutely no brawn here. Dx *waves her noodle arms*
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive, like I mentioned in the weakness section..
Determined or Passive: Determined, I'd say.
Ignorant or Informed: Informed for the most part.. Even if I don't always seem like it.
Patient or Impatient: Veeery impatient.
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate.
Confident or Modest: Confident, I'll leave the modesty to the rest of the Finnish people!(Finnish people tend to be pretty modest.. Others' modesty often makes me seem even more like an arrogant jerk than I really am! >_>')

The Questions
Let's pretend you are Luke (for this and the next question) and have lived exactly like him for the past seven years in the Fabre mansion and than suddenly one day a "mysterious intruder" attacks your mentor. You block her attack and than wake up in the middle of no where, half way a cross the world . What would your first reaction be? A panic attack. After calming down, which would take like an hour, I'd.. I dunno, start questioning her.

A month later you finally get home. Though it doesn't feel much like home to you; it feels like anywhere else you've been. If this were you right this moment, how would you describe the feeling of your home not feeling like one? Strange and unsettling. I don't like sudden changes like that.

If you were Tear after she promised to return Luke home, how would you deal with/act towards the boy most of the time once you got to know him? Hmm.. We would either get along pretty well, or end up annoying each other on purpose. :3

If you were Ion before the start of game, trapped in the church, like a pet and only there to serve as a figurehead to the Order of Lorelei, what would you do daily if you only had the choice of doing one thing? I'd listen to music, if I had the chance. I like to picture things in my head while I listen to music, it's a good way to pass time!
But if I didn't have the chance to have any music, I'd do the obvious thing and read.

If your life could save millions of others, would you give it up? er, well. I might have to. Y'know, if I didn't, someone would surely hear about how selfish I'd been, and murder me or something. *sigh*
But if there was a way to let absolutely no one know about it.. No. I'm not usually very selfish, but I do value my life above everything else, thank you very much!

If you found out you weren't really the you you were raised and thought to be, how would you react? Probably get very angry about it, or have a panic attack(again...), and then.. After letting the shock out of my system, start to get curious/excited about it. Hmmm, I wonder who I really am, then!

If your life was running out, what last things would you like to do before your went? I'd spend quality time with my friends and family, of course! It would be kind of cool to travel as well, if I magically got the money for that from somewhere.

Last Question! If you had the choice, would you live by the score to live easily or destroy the score to live freely? Destroy it, if I didn't have to do it alone~

stamped: natalia

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